Hidden Wonders - Pyro x Neko!Reader

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Requested by - catfox99

I think I finally realised how to properlly mention a user-

I'm a fuckin' idiot wow. Pft, anyway enjoy! Sorry for it being a little short. My chapters are either to long or to short.


You sat at the table, a baseball hat nestled on your head, enjoying a small lunch when Scout, Pyro, and Demoman walked in. Demoman and Scout were laughing their asses off about something. Pyro took a seat in front of you and waved. You waved back.

You continued to munch on your lunch when Scout and Demoman plopped down next to you. One on each side of you. Demoman was talking to someone that wasn't really there. Probably talking to his liver again. Scout looked at you, then at your hat. "Ya evah take that hat off?"

You frowned. "Why don't you ever take yours off?" He threw off his hat, it fell a few feet away. "I do, more that you ever have." You rolled your eyes. "So?" He poked your hat. "Take it off." Your furrowed your brows. "What? No."

He tried to grab it. "Fuck off Scout." He laughed. "Take it off!" He tried again and you slapped his hand. "I said, fuck off!" You shouted. You stood up out of your chair and Scout fell back in fear. "Wh-what the hell?" You rose a brow.

Fangs had sprouted from your front canines. Your pupils had become slits as you glared down at Scout. "You wanna see what is under the hat buddy? Hhm?" You threatened. "Well, DO YOU?" You shouted at Scout.

You threw it off and showed off the two ears utop your head. The shouting attracted the drunken Demoman. He looked over and screeched. He got up, grabbed Scout's wrist, and dragged him off. He had been screaming his head off the whole time.

You looked at Pyro, he was still sitting down. "You going to run from me too? Run from this ugly beast before you?" He looked at you, but didn't move. "Answer me Pyro..." He just kept looking at you.

"Stop looking at me like that..." You stated. He just kept staring. "Stop it Pyro... please don't look at me." You fell to your knees. Tears began to form in your eyes and multiple streamed down your cheeks. "Don't look at me... I'm hideous. I-I'm disgusting... I-I'm so f-fucking-"


You looked up. Pyro was standing in front of you, his mask was above his mouth, right on his nose. "Wh-what?" You asked. "What did y-you say?" He knelt down in front of you. Pyro placed a hand on your cheek and brushed away your tears with his thumb. "Your beautiful." He stated.

You looked at him shocked. "Y/n, love yourself as much as I love you." He said. "It doesn't matter what you look like. It doesn't matter that you are different. All that matters is who you are, and who you become."

You began to blush. "Wow... that was, wow." You said. Pyro smiled and chuckled. He kissed your cheek making you blush more. "Your adorable Y/n." He said, then he pulled his mask back down. You smiled. "Thank you, Pyro. That means a lot." He nodded. "Hudda hudda hud."

You both stood up. He opened his arms wide and you hugged him tightly. "Oh and Pyro?" He looked at you. "I love you too."

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