Mercs x Kidnapped!ChildReader II

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Sexual themes and violence are in this chapter. I would not keep reading if you are not ok with either. Is their smut? No. Is there pedophiliac actions? Yes. Just wanted to warn you but otherwise I hope you enjoy the second part of the first chapter!


You just allowed yourself to be thrown against the wall.

It was no use fighting back against the Spy. He would just hit you harder if you tried.

Blood stained multiple areas of your clothing. Your clothes where also torn because the Blu Spy wanted to cut threw skin rather than cloth.

You fell once you came in contact with the wall. You head bashed against it causing more pain for your body to take. You continued to cry but silently. You had no sound from all the things they made you drink.

The Blu Spy walked over. He picked you up by the arm then launched you another time at the chair. You fell stumbling over your own feet, breaking the wooden chair. Fragments of it went into your skin making tiny splinters. You screeched out in pain as the blood began to show.

How are you not dead yet?

No idea really. You have lost lots of blood but at different times. You tried fighting back but it would result with you getting hit.

Spy now walked over. He looked down at you frowning. "Zirsty?" He lifted the third bottle of vodka from the ground. The other two lay empty on the floor nearby.

Slowly but surely you began to drink. Coughing when it went to fast down your throat. He set it down but this time it was empty. You coughed and sputtered violently, vomiting again.

You kept coughing, Medic taught you this. If you ingested something bad then cough it up. That's what he would say... Medic. Medic and Heavy. Medic, Heavy, and Pyro. Everyone. You blinked slowly, knowing they where trying to find you. They had to be. But, what if their not?

You laid back on your side. The Spy gave you one last kick then began to leave. He already sent videos so he was doing this just because. He was doing this because he wanted to.

You where left in the darkness once more. Every part of you was sore. Even your eyes. You didn't sleep last night because they kept coming back. No matter how much you screamed they would keep coming back.

Sighing deeply you closed your eyes.

Well brain it's just us now... what do you want to talk about? I wish I had Pyro's unicorn... he always let's me squeeze it when I'm scared.

It was like your calls where answered when a speaker could be heard.

Alert! Red Spy is in the base!

Today was cease fire day... they where here for you! The mercs where here, if you just called out maybe they could hear you.

But when you tried to make a sound,

Nothing came out.

Just small crackles and squeaks.

With all the strength you had left you shouted. "GUYS I'M DOWN H-HERE!" you gasped from the straining effort.

Bombs and bullet shots rang out from upstairs. The thought of them made you so happy. It didn't make you scared anymore.

Then a light flickered on.

A voice.

"Y/N? Y/N are jou down here?"


(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now