Familiar - Father!Engineer x Child!Reader

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Requested by - Frejamazing and MissArchimedes12

I would like to point out that this chapter will be using gender neutral pronouns. (Part of the request) I hope you two (And everyone else) will enjoy this chapter!! Have a wonderful day my darling readers!

Edit: why did no one tell me that the title was "Father!Engineer x Child!Engineer?" It's fixed now but still


The burning sensation of tears rolling down your cheeks was nothing new. Every night your eyes found their way to tears, this evening was no different. You loved your father very much but it was hard growing up with one parent.

He would tell you everything about your mother. She had a love of bonfires and she always smelt like vanilla or caramel. She had traveled to Texas the year he met her, Engineer took to calling her Firefly. They became penpals and eventually moved in together. They lived in a small farm house and your mother took care of you while Engineer was at school. You were a baby then, to small to remember her. One day she had left for a new job offer, when the car crashed, and...

You sobbed. You allowed yourself to collapse on your pillow. You nuzzled your face into it and wrapped your arms around it. A soft knock sounded at the door and you grumbled a, "C'mon in..."

Engineer opened the door, "Sweetheart?" Your eyes shot open and your tried wiping as many tears as you could from your face. "Pa? What is it? Do yah have a battle today?" His accent had worn off slightly on you. Somethings the others teased you about, not in a rude way. Some of them just took to calling you the Extra Tiny Engie.

"No Ah don't have a battle. Mah fathering instincts kicked in." He chuckled. You rolled your eyes, "I'm fine pa."

"Then why is your pillow wet?" He asked. "It's really hot in here and I sweat." You stated.

"Why is it wet?" He asked again. "I was asleep and I was drooling."

"Ah am supposed to believe that?" He asked flatly. "I spilt a glass of water on the floor and mopped it up with my pillow." You added.

"Y/n." He sighed. You waved your hands in front of your face. "This is all a dream! Go back to sleep!"

He rolled his eyes, "It's half past 7 (19 hours and 30 minutes or 1930) Ah am not asleep." He walked over and sat down next to you. "Sweetheart yah were cryin' again. Ah think it's time yah tell me why." You stiffened. "Ah know what yer gonna say, 'Ah am fine pa, Ah just watched a sad movie again.' Well Ah'm no idiot, I know yah say that so Ah don't worry 'bout yah, but Ah am yer dad. It's mah job tuh worry. So please stop hiding this from me." You sighed.

You felt the familiar sting of tears start. "I just really miss mom... I can't remember anything about her but it's hard pa. Growing up like this, yah know? Your at work a lot and I get that... you need to be but I just need another parent pa. I know yah love me very much but I need support from someone else. Yah can't always be there for me and I don't blame yah for that."

Engineer seemed taken back but eventually he found the words to say, "Ah miss her too. Ah do everyday. She meant everythin' tuh me until yah were born. We did everythin' to keep you growing up in a good home. Ah guess both of us got screwed over with a job offer huh?" You almost smiled at the last part. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Yer mother used to be the life of the party, she was a wonderful baker. She could make a wonderful s'more too." All of this started sounding familiar to you, a little too familiar. "She loved dancin'. Sometimes Ah thought Ah married a child." Ok now this really sounded familiar and Engineer was catching on to it as well. "Yah know when Ah took this job offer they said no one could know Ah had it. They said a lot of people were going to think Ah was dead."

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now