Bloody Spy - Sniper x Spy!Reader

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Another request from - Y0uzie

I hope you enjoy!! Thank you all for requesting, I'm still working on the others but they will be out soon! :D Enjoy!


"It's tha' bloody Spy... Oi am sick and tired of 'er always gettin' in my way!" Sniper groaned. Spy looked at him. "Listen Sniper... zhis is zhe fourzh time 'ou 'ave brought up zhis person to me. If 'ou don't take 'our crush elsewhere, I'm am going to stab 'ou."

Sniper snorted. "Crush? Go to hell." Then he got up and began to leave, mumbling as he left. "Stupid bloody Spies..." He kept grumbling. "Oi got tuh deal with a Frenchie in my base, always callin' me a bushman, or peepee jarman."

He made his way outside and sat down on a boulder. "Then Oi have to deal with the other Frenchie on the stupid other team..." He continued talking to himself. "Not to mention tha' little, tha' little..." He sighed. "Tha' good lookin' one on the other team."

"Daww, are you talking about me again?"

Sniper jumped and almost fell of the rock. You looked at him and giggled. "Wut are yah doin' here?" He asked, frowning. "Your lucky I don't have my knife with me Snipes." You said, ignoring his question. "I could have killed you and sent you back to respawn. You wouldn't have even known it was me." You said.

He frowned, a blush dusting his cheeks. "Don't call me tha' yah bloody-" You shushed him. "I don't want to hear your rambling on about me. I'm sure you have many things to say about me." You smiled. "I didn't know you liked talking about me so much." You smirked.

"Or is it just me that you like?"

His face turned to a darker pink. "F-fuck off Spy..." You laughed. "Your so cute when your flustered." He frowned. "Am not! Oi ain't flustered, or whatevah yah call it, it's just hot out here." You took his hat, placing it on your head. "It's only hot out here because I came out here. I'm sure you can agree with me there?"

He stood up off the rock, his face getting redder. "Knock it off." He said, his voice a little threatening. "Why is that Snipes? Can't handle me?" He growled and stepped closer to you. "Oi said..." He grabbed your waist with both hands and pulled you close to him, roughly. "Knock it off." He said.

His voice was threatening but so attractive at the same time. His brow suddenly rose. "No smartass comments now?" He asked. You blushed. "I bet I could think of some..." He smirked. "Really? Then do it roight now." You blushed more. "I-I can't do it that fast." You said.

He chuckled. "Tha' is wut Oi thought." He began to fiddle with your hair. "Yah know Spy... Yah really are a beaut." You smiled. "Is that so?" He nodded. "Yeah sheila." His face moved closer to you. He was going for it.

You smirked and looked away, making his lips contact with your cheek. You chuckled. "Your not getting a kiss that eas-" He placed a hand on your chin and kissed you roughly. His other hand squeezed your waist.

You kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck. His hat fell off your head as you two continued to kiss. You laced your fingers in his hair and he wrapped his arms around your torso. You two had to pull back for air and he smiled at you.

You smiled and winked at him. Then you disappeared, along with his hat. He rose a brow as he felt you leave his arms. "The hell?" He could hear something, it sounded like a pencil writing. Sniper then saw a small piece of paper, with neat handwriting, on the floor. He picked it up and blushed.

Meet me at the lake at eight pm. You will get a prize if you do... and your hat.

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now