Rest - Exhausted!Engineer x Reader

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This one is super fluffy. Some ticklish Engineer moments but otherwise just adorably tired Engineer moments. Enjoy!


"Build a dispenser here! Build one there! Build a goddamn dispenser everywhere!" Engineer was in his shop, ranting to you. You sat on his bed listening to his rant that had been going for at least twenty minutes.

"Ah know what Medic feels like now. But the guy gets called more. Either way, Ah am gonna build mah dispensers where ever the hell Ah want!" He was pacing back and forth in front of you with vivid hand motions. "Ah will build one up their ass if Ah hear 'dispenser over here' one more tahm." You snorted a laugh but stifled any more realizing he wasn't kidding.

Engineer took off his overalls a while ago. He was in jeans and his shirt. He took off his hard hat and set it down. It was on the bedside table he had next to his knee pads.

Engineer took off his goggles to show off his glistening green eyes. He unbuttoned his shirt and slipped that off too. You blushed slightly as the white undershirt he wore defined his muscular torso well.

Engineer had bags under his eyes and he yawned. "So yah wanted to watch a movie with me?" You nodded. "Yeah, if you are up for it. You look really tired." He shook his head. "Nah Ah am fine... Yah wanna watch one, we wull watch one."

You smiled. "Are you sure?" He nodded and sat down next to you. "What movie yah wanna watch anyway?" You tapped your feet on the floor. "Hm... I had a few in mind but it depends on what genre you want to watch."

He yawned. "Anyone wull do. Ah don't care." He rested his head on his palm. You didn't care what movie to watch so you brought up your ideas. "I had Guardians of the Galaxy in mind. Or maybe Star Wars? But the original Star Wars, not the newest one. Ooh! We could binge a whole season of The Office instead!"

"Hm... oh uh, yah better pick darlin' yah make good decisions." His eye lids sagged. "Engie?" He turned towards you slowly. "Yeah?" You smiled at him. "You should rest, we can watch one another time." He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. "Nope. We are gonna watch somethin' today because that is what yah wanna do."

"But is it what you want to do?" He rose a brow. "Would yah watch it with me?" You nodded. "Obviously." He chuckled. "Then it is what Ah wanna do. Ah wanna do somethin' with yah today." He yawned again.

You pushed him onto his back. "What are yah doin'?" You shushed him. "Sleep." He tried to sit back up but you held him down. "Sleep Engie, you need it." He frowned. "Y'all have to make me." You smirked. "Challenge accepted."

You poked him in the side. He giggled. "Don't do that." He said. You poked him more. "Then tell me you will rest today." He batted at your hands as you continued to poke him, giggles escaping from his lips. "But-" He got cut off with a large fit of laughter after you dug your fingers into his ribs. "Fine! Ah will..." He quickly escaped your grip and did a backwards somersault off of the bed. "Not go to bed!"

You stood up on the opposite side of him. You pointed and index finger at him. "Go to bed!" He crossed his arms. "Nope." You rolled your eyes but chuckled. "You are like a child." He shut his eyes, mouthed inaudible words, and opened and closed his hand like it was talking.

You laughed. "See? A child! Now go rest in this bed or else!" He continued his hand motions in an immature way. You hopped over the bed and grabbed him in an embrace. "Damn it..." He said. He gave you a nervous smile and tried to squirm out of your grasp. You nuzzled your nose to his.

You slid your hands to his cheeks and kissed him. He quit squirming and immediately melted into it. You wrapped your arms around him and slowly began to sit down. Engineer followed you the whole way until he was sitting on the bed as well. You laid backward so that he was completely on the bed, on all fours above you. You pulled away and smirked. He was too mystified by the kiss to understand.

You escaped from underneath him and pushed him down. You sat on top of Engineer's butt and his arms were on either side of him. He looked like a field goal on an American football field. "What are yah doin' darlin'?" He asked, a little nervous.

"Are you going to rest today or am I going to have to take drastic measures?" You asked. Your hands moved from his shoulders to his back. He widened his eyes. "Don't..." You chuckled. "I won't if you promise to rest today."

He thought it over. He really wanted to watch the movie with you but he was so tired. He doubted he would make it threw the previews. At least he would still be with you though. He turned his head the best he could. "Ah am watchin' that movie." He stated, trying to sound threatening.

You smirked. "Fine. Be that way. Just know I am doing this because I love you." Your fingers slid onto his sides and began to dig deeply into them. He held his breath trying to hide his laughter. Your fingers began to wiggle around on his sides. Engineer squirmed underneath you. "D-D-darlin' c-cut it out-t." His face began to turn pink.

Your hands slid up to his underarms. "Nope, you brought this on yourself." He began to send out sputtered giggles. He squeezed his bedsheets with his hands and buried his face into his bed. His bed could not muffle his laughter once you slid your hands to his ribcage.

You stopped and looked at him. "Tired yet? Or am I going to continue my game?" You slid his shirt up and looked at his muscular back. He removed his face from the bed, still giggling, but answered. "Ah will rest now. Please don't continue." His face turned to worry once he saw your smirk.

"You know Engie..." You lightly scratched his sides. His giggling started again. "I really love your giggles, but you know what I love more?" He tried to answer best he could. "Whahat would th-thahahat be?" You leaned in close to his ear.

"Your laughter."

Your hands dug deeply into his ribcage, scratching his soft skin, and sending him into loud high pitched laughter. You continued for a few more seconds before stopping. "I also love your little squeaks." You said scratching lightly at his underarms this time. He did give off some squeaks, in between his giggles of course. "Your just to adorable Engie."

"Ah a-am not!" He stuttered. You nodded then slowly ran your hands from his sides, to his ribs, then his underarms, and finally his shoulders. You rubbed them in a massage and Engineer sighed. "Why can't yah do that instead?" You chuckled. "Because your too adorably ticklish for your own good." He frowned and huffed out some air. "Only yah and the doc know 'bout that... please don't tell the others. They already give me shit for bein' short."

You nodded. "Of course my Engie." He sighed and relaxed all of his tense muscles into your massage. You continued to rub his shoulders tenderly then soon heard his soft snoring. You smiled and got off of him, laying next to him. You wrapped an arm around Engineer and snuggled up really close to him.

He wrapped an arm around you in his sleep and pulled you close to him. Suddenly you felt fingers dig deeply into your sides, making you squeak. Engineer's eyes were open and he was smirking at you.


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