You Care - Scout x Male!Reader

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Requested by - Purr0rasbeary

This is probably my new favorite Scout chapter that I have made. I'd like to say this does hint at some dirty actions but it is NOT a lemon. I repeat, this is not a lemon.

Any way, thank you so much for requesting, and you my wonderfully amazing reader have a great day/night! :)


"Dammit Y/n, get back here!" You heard Scout call. He had been running after you for what seemed like an hour. In all honesty you did not really know why. You had been walking through the base, minding your own business, when he came storming out of a room yelling your name. In shock you began running.

Turning a sharp corner, you found yourself in a hall leading to the bedrooms. Yours was coming up quickly. You slammed into your door as you entered your room but you were not fast enough to close it. In the heat of the moment you had fallen, a grunt leaving your lips, and a pain in your shoulder. Scout was in your doorway as he swiftly turned and shut it. He looked back at you, a pistol in hand, and it was pointed down at you. You kicked his feet out from under him and watched him fall. His gun slid across the floor and he landed next to you. Scout grunted on impact but he regained his thoughts.

It did not take long for you two to start wrestling on the floor. Some how it ended with Scout on top of you. You were laying on your stomach and he was sitting on your back. Your arms were pinned between your torso and his thighs. Your cheek pressed against the floor as you looked up at him. "Scout, what the hell are you doing?" You asked him, annoyance present in your voice. The Bostonian frowned. "I'm takin' yah down, dat's what. You're dat blue Frencie, it's obvious."

You paused, disbelief on your face. "What? Scout no, I'm not a spy. Why do you think that?" Scout's mood seemed to drop as he averted his eyes from yours. "Because Y/n, it's dah only thing dat makes sense." You frowned, not satisfied with that answer. He seemed to notice so he continued. "Everyone on dis team treats me like shit, like I don't mattah to dah team. Everyone, except you."

"Yah laugh at my jokes, yah make sure I'm ok during battles, yah..." Scout paused for a few seconds. Then he frowned. He looked at you, a quiet scoff leaving his lips. "Yah act like yah care but dat is what I'm sayin'. Yah act! I know you're a spy because no one does care. Not even you." You sighed and continued to look at the man. Your gaze softened. "Scout, look at me." Scout bit his inner lip before looking back at you. His blue eyes were melting yours.

"Scout the others do care, they just have a funny way of showing it. Just because I'm nice to you doesn't mean I'm a spy. I don't act like I care because I do care. You're really important to me." You rose a brow from your position under him. "Besides if I was a spy, I'd be a douche to everyone. Why would I act nice?" Scout shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess dat makes sense." Then he grinned at you, a sign to show that he knew you were not a spy.

"So, are you going to sit on me all day then?" You asked him, a small smile on your lips. Scout crossed his arms. "Maybe I will. It proves dat I can take you down easily." You laughed at him before deciding to change positions. Scout was small, you could lift him with ease. So that is what you did. You pulled your arms out from their position and pushed yourself upward. You turned and bear hugged Scout before flipping him over.

Scout was under you now, his hips being straddled by yours, and his wrists pinned on either side of his head by your hands. A yelp had left his lips once you started moving and now his face was flushed. "Aw how cute, your face is all red. Is lil' Scouty embarrassed 'cause I can kick his butt?" You teased him, which only made his face redder. "Yeah yeah, what evah yah say chucklehead. Besides, I could reverse dis if I wanted to." You rose a brow, skeptical of his words. "Then do it."

Scout shrugged, "Eh, maybe latah. It's nice down here, I like dah position we're in. You on top of me, yah look good from down here." It was your turn for your cheeks to turn darker in hue. Scout smirked, "Not so tough now huh?" He asked. "Man dat wasn't even a good compliment, I have so many bettah ones. For instance, how good yah look no mattah where we are." You furrowed your brows, "Scout I thought you had a thing for Miss Pauling."

"Psh, nah. I made a realization a few months ago. I'm straight." You were visibly confused but he laughed, "Straight as a fuckin' circle." Both of you shared a few seconds of laughter before you sighed. "Oh thank god you're gay Scout. We don't need any babies running around with your genetics." He rolled his eyes but grinned at you. "So, I came out to yah, now what are yah gonna tell me about you. It's only fair dat we exchange something. No one else knows about me after all."

"Well, there is one thing." You started, your grip loosening on his wrists. Scout took note of that but he listened to you speak. "Yeah, what would dat be?" He asked. You leaned closer to him, your lips next to his ear. "I have a thing for guys too. Especially ones I can dominate." With that you nipped at his ear then returned to look at him. Scout blushed but his cockiness did not diminish. "Oh, yah think you're in charge here?"

The Bostonian pulled his wrists out from your grip and pushed himself upward. His lips were milimeters from yours, " 'cause babe, you ain't." With those words he connected your lips. He was sloppy but you loved it. Scout wrapped his arms around you and you kept your arms by his head. You ran one of your hands through his hair as he continued to kiss you.

Eventually you left his lips, moving to his jaw line, and soon his neck. Scout must have not been used to such sensations as he bucked his hips. He bucked them right into yours. You smirked, a moan hidden behind it. "Are you sure about that?" You asked him. Scout grabbed the back of your shoulders. "Shut up and kiss me Y/n." He growled, connecting your lips once again.

After a few more moments of your heated make out session, you both pulled out for air. Scout's hair was a mess from you running your hands through it and your shirt was untucked from your trousers. Scout had begun to run his hands up and down your torso and later moved to under your shirt. You sat back and Scout followed you, wrapping his legs around your body, and hugging you. You returned the embrace, lightly rubbing his back. "This isn't gonna be a one time thing right?" He asked you.

You shook your head, "No, I want to be with you, if you will have me." He chuckled, a rumble you could feel in his chest. "Y/n I came out of dah closet for yah." You chuckled as well, "True, am I the first guy you've been with?" You asked. Scout nodded, "You're dah only guy I want to be with. Even though you're a knuckle head."

You rose a brow, a slight smirk on your lips. "Is that an insult I detect? Do I have to put you in your place?" You asked him, a slight purr in your voice. Scout kissed your chin as he scooted closer to you. "Only if you're up to a round two, dis time I'm on top." You laughed, "Scout I'd like to see you try to pin me again."

Within seconds you were on your back, legs around the Bostonian, arms pinned above your head. Scout was above you, hips pressing against yours, as he smirked down at your form. "Look who's pinned. I guess you're not as in charge as yah thought." He teased. You did not hesitate to pull your hands out of his grip and place them on his sides. Scout was not as strong as he thought he was. "We could go back and forth all day or you could kiss me." You said, biting your lip afterward.

Scout leaned down to your ear. You could hear the smirk on his lips as he spoke but that could not cover the purr in his words. "Round two it is den." 

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now