Ice Cream - Pyro x Reader

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This was a request from SamuelWend 


Being in a desert meant that the cold things were expensive, even ice cream. There was a small ice cream shop in Teufort but it was always packed.

Today you had gotten there early to enjoy your favorite ice cream. There had already been a few people there but that did not bother you. What bothered you was the next people that walked in.

A man in a hard hat, overalls, and goggles came walking in next to someone. He was wearing a gas mask and big flameproof suit. It was a strange sight but you tried not to judge. You had heard of the men, along with a few others. They were the mercenaries that would come to town and disturb the people.

You had never met them, just heard the stories. These two in particular you tried to pin which ones they were. Based on description and logic, you assumed one to be the Engineer and the other as the Pyro.

A lot of people must have thought the same thing as the tone in the room shifted from calm yet cheery conversations, to whispers and glares. The Pyro seemed to be pointing excitedly at the man at the counter. He was tugging on the Engineer's shirt trying to bring him closer. The Engineer seemed to be fumbling in his pocket for something. He pulled out his wallet.

"Alright Pahro... Whaddya want?" Pyro pointed at a chocolate cone. Engineer looked at the price and sighed. "Alright... One chocolate cone please." The man at the counter glared. "Sorry but no."

"What?" The Engineer asked. "We don't serve people like you here." The man stated. The Pyro seemed to look down and sulk. "Like us? We are people like yah aren't we?"

The man scoffed. "Like us? No way. You and your little friends are freaks." The Engineer hit his fist on the counter, causing the man to flinch, and back up. "Sir I'm g-going to have to ask you to leave." He said.

The Engineer grabbed Pyro and started to drag him out. The Pyro tried to grab at the counter to keep himself there but missed. You felt really bad. Sure they were different but that never stopped people from liking anyone.

They exited the place and you stood up. Swiftly you went up to the counter and bought a chocolate cone. "Wanna rub it in their face huh?" He man said. You weren't paying attention so you just said. "Huh? Oh yeah sure." The man leaned further towards you.

"I like a woman like that... wanna get some-" You left without a word, as the icecream was going to melt. You opened the door and spotted the men walking down the sidewalk. You started running over, trying not to drop the cone. "Hey!" You called.

They stopped and turned but kept walking. You yelled again. "Hey! Engineer guy and Pyro!" Now they stopped completely. They turned and looked at you as you finally caught up. You were panting. "I felt bad... about..." You just held out the icecream to the Pyro.

He seemed to squeal under the mask. "Well that was mighty fine of yah ma'am." You watched Pyro take the ice cream. "Oh it's Y/n." Pyro held the ice cream out to Engineer. He took it and Pyro squeezed you in a hug. He jumped up and down and you laughed.

He pulled back and took his ice cream. "Excitable guy aren't you?" He lifted his mask up to his nose and began to eat his sweet treat. Engineer nudged Pyro. "Pahro, what do yah say to this nice lady?" He took off the rest of his mask. He was rather good looking.

"Thank you miss Y/n." He said. You blushed slightly as his eyes bore into yours. "Yeah, uh, of c-course." Your cheeks tinted more of a pink after the stutter. He smiled a toothy smile at you. Then he continued to eat his ice cream.

"Y'all can stay out here, Ah am gonna go pick up some stuff from there." Engineer pointed at a tool store. "Pahro, what are mah rules 'bout being by yourself?" Pyro swallowed some ice cream. "No lighter." Engineer rose a brow. "And?" Pyro sighed. "No axe either." Engineer kept his brow raised. "Stay safe?" Pyro asked. Engineer sighed. "Stay outta trouble." Pyro smiled. "I can do that." He said.

Engineer walked off leaving the two of you. "Want to sit down?" Pyro asked, looking at a bench nearby. "Yeah sure." You responded. He had already began to head over, so you followed, and took a seat next to him. It was in the shade which was nice. Pyro began to eat his cone. "So, tell me about yourself miss Y/n."

"There isn't much to say." You replied. "My name you already know but my last name is L/n. I enjoy my small home here in Teufort. I also work as bartender in the local bar." He nodded, finishing off his cone. "Do you like ice cream?" You nodded. "I love it." He smiled.

Pyro had the smallest stain of chocolate on his upper lip. You thought it was rather cute and accidentally let out a chuckle. He tilted his head. "What?" You pointed at his lip. "You got some chocolate on your lip." He rubbed his mouth and looked at his hand. He wiped it on his suit. "Don't you ever get hot in that thing?" You asked him.

"Nah. It's pretty cool in here, surprisingly. The mask can get pretty steamy though." He said, holding up his mask. "I can deal with it. My work is pretty hot anyway." You tilted your head this time. "What do you do?" He looked a little nervous. "I work at Mann co."

"Doesn't Saxton Hale own that place?" He nodded. "What do you do there?" You asked. "I work as a pyrotechnic. Hence the name, Pyro." He stated. "Well what's your real name?" You asked. He frowned slightly. "I'm not supposed to tell anyone that, not even pretty ladies like yourself. Work stuff I guess."

You blushed as he winked at you. "Stop that, your too kind." You said. He smiled sweetly. "Stop what? You are a very nice lady, so you deserve a very nice compliment." You smiled. "Well thank you, Pyro. Your very handsome yourself." It was his turn to blush this time.

His face grew to be a cheery red. You smiled. "How cute." You muttered but he had heard. That turned his face into a darker red. You laughed. He looked at you but then buried his face in his hands. "I'm not cute." He said but his voice was muffled.

You laughed again. "Yes you are. Your pretty adorable." He looked at you frowning. "I'm putting my mask back on. Then I am going. Your to nice to be real." He smiled, winked, then grabbed his mask. Pyro quickly pecked your cheek with a kiss and put on his mask. He waved a goodbye and ran to the store to find Engineer.

You were left speechless. You never even got to give him your number. 

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