Stop Killing People - Yandere!Pyro x Reader

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Requested by - MiN3c4Aft

Not including this part but anything in the story that is in italics will be Pyro's thoughts. Alright enjoy :) Also this was my first attempt at a Yandere so sorry if it sucks.


"Boom, headshot."

You clapped for Sniper as he hit yet another headshot. You decided to train with him for a while because you also had a bow and arrow. You were mainly used to shotguns and rifles so when the Admin gave you a bow you were extremely lost. Sniper volunteered to help you since he has the most experience with it.

Sniper was currently just using his sniper rifle to practice. He also had brought his bow just in case. "Alroight sheila... why don't yah try and hit the middle target?" He said. You walked over to him and held your bow. "I haven't tried anything yet so... I might be a little shitty at first." He chuckled. "Tha' is pretty normal."

You took an arrow out of the quiver behind you. Sniper stepped back in order for you to get into position. You stood facing towards the middle target and loaded your arrow. "Alroight sheila show me yer shootin' stance."

You pulled back on the bow, turned your body a bit, and had one leg in front of the other. You looked at Sniper, who could barely contain himself. "Nah sheila. You don't have that good o' form." You rolled your eyes. You two started discussing proper stances and you got out of your current one.

Meanwhile, Pyro had been going nuts trying to find you. Pyro went around the base in full sprint, fast enough to challenge Scout. When Spy tried to calm Pyro down by telling him you were with Sniper, he got so pissed that he shot Spy. Spy was sent to the respawn room after that.

Pyro was running outside now. He started at the camper but was angered when no one was there. That's when he heard the gunshot of a rifle. Pyro charged towards the sounds location and hid behind a bush when he saw you two. You were holding a bow with a quiver on your back. Sniper was standing there with his rifle. He watched as you began to clap for Sniper.

Why can't she slap when ever I hit someone...?

Pyro frowned inside his mask. He began to calm down once he saw you getting up and loading your arrow. You took a stance after having a few words and he waited for you to shoot. He knew you would get some sort of good shot. He just knew it.

But instead you stopped everything...

And started talking...

To Sniper...

Pyro was starting to fume. You were talking with Sniper instead of shooting. That's the only thing you should be doing right now. Just shooting.

You were talking with Sniper still about how to get a proper stance. "Ok got it. I can try that out." You said. You pulled the bow string back once more and took your stance. "Bettah Y/n bettah."

Sniper walked around you, examining your stance. He stopped when he was facing your front. He took his hand and lifted your arm up more. He walked behind you. Sniper put a hand on your shoulder and poked your back. You flinched and stood up straight. "Keep that straight."

Sniper put his hands on your waist and turned you more. He then walked back to your front. "Take two steps forward..." You did. "Chin up more." You did that too. Sniper walked closer to you. He pressed his knuckles to your chin turning your head slightly. "Alroight now aim.... Yeah that's roight Y/n. Now... shoot. Noice sheila! Almost perfect."

You smiled at the accomplishment. "Thanks Sniper!" He shrugged and held out his hand for a handshake. Instead you went in for a hug. It wasn't until you made contact that you heard rapid footsteps approaching. You let go of Sniper and saw Pyro charging at him with his fist raised.

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