We Will Never Leave You - Mercs x Child!Reader

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Requested by - SarahIce712

Sorry for the wait!! I've been busy! I hope you enjoy!



Mercenaries were hard to live with. They worked everyday and when they came home they were tired as hell. They never had time to hang out with you anymore. Not even Engineer and he was a big part of raising you. On ceasefire days, most would be to tired, or busy with other work to hang out with you. You were getting sick and tired of it.

One night while everyone was asleep, you snuck out of the base. You had a pocket knife and some money. You began your charge to the small town of Teufort.

Finally reaching it you took a seat on a bench in the park. It was a nice night, a small breeze, and a full moon. You sighed deeply, knowing any and all of the mercs would be pissed if they knew you were here. But it didn't matter anyway, they never cared about what you did in your free time in the first place. You took out your knife and began to fiddle with it.

"Nice blade there."

You jumped, turned, and faced someone. It was a guy. He was about six feet tall, skinny, but intimidating. He had tattoos on his arms, a nose ring, and wicked hair. He wore a stained tank top and baggy jeans. "Sorry kid, didn't mean to scare you." You frowned. "I wasn't scared."

He chuckled. "Really? Whatever." You were looking at the stains on his shirt. Some were red and others were brown. He seemed to notice you staring. "What are you so interested in? Am I that good looking?" You frowned again. "Your shirt idiot. What is on it?"

"Feisty aren't we?" He commented, ignoring your question. "I like that." You crossed your arms. "So wanna kick it with me kid? You look like the kind who enjoys mischief." Your eyes met his. You hesitated for a bit. This guy was older than you. Then again you were only fourteen. He looked eighteen, maybe nineteen.

You nodded. "Yeah. Yeah I do." He smirked. "Come on then." He turned on his heal and began to walk off, hands in his jean pockets. You quickly ran after and caught up with him. "So kid, think your ready for what we are going to do tonight?" You nodded. "I have a name you know." You said.

"It's Y/n." You stated. He shrugged. "Alright." You rose a brow. "Well what is yours?" He dug his hands deeper in his pockets. "Chad." You looked back ahead. "What are we going to do?" He smirked slightly. "You'll find out kid."

He led you to a warehouse kind of building. He knocked twice on the door and someone opened it from the inside. "Hey babe." He said. The person who opened the door was a woman. She was also skinny, had multiple lip piercings, and wore fishnets under jean shorts. Her tank top sagged to where she was showing a lot of cleavage. "Ooh, who is this?" She asked. She had a cigarette in her mouth. "Fresh meat." Chad said.

"Finally a girl. I'm getting bored of you and your gang constantly coming over." She kissed his cheek. "Not that I don't enjoy your company." He smiled, though it looked more like a smirk. They lead you over to a beaten up old couch.

They plopped down together on it. You sat across from them on the floor. "So, kid. Ever had alcohol before?" You shook your head. "I'm not old enough." The woman cackled. "So? Rules don't apply here kid! Try some, we got plenty!" You watched as Chad took a bottle of beer and popped it open. He took a long drink before setting it down.

It was empty. He opened a few more and continued to drink. His girlfriend also drank some, after ditching her cigarette. She placed one in front of you. She pointed at the bottle. "Drink it." You bit your lip. Your hand drifted over to the bottle and you picked it up.

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