The Deal - Merasmus x Reader x Medic

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Requested by - BlackPearlAndRose

Thank you for the request! I was actually really excited to do this one! If you, my dear reader, have a request leave it in the comments below! (Keep in mind I don't do the request unless it has a prompt. I'm sorry to those who have been waiting on a request but I sent all of you messages stating the same thing)

Enjoy and have a marvelous rest of your day/night!!


"Josef stop, you look like an idiot." Medic, your older brother, was currently standing on the edge of the roof. You two decided to enjoy the nice day on the roof of the base. "Y/n I am not hurting anyvone." He stated before balancing on one leg. You stood up from your chair and grabbed his arm, pulling him back, and away from the edge. "Dummkopf! You are going to hurt yourself!" You said, there was a hint of annoyance in your voice. Your accent had begun to wear down from your life in Germany.

You had been moved to the RED base almost a decade ago. Since then the other mercenaries had become your new family. You were old on the team but young in age. You had witnessed new recruits and many birthdays. By now you were still the youngest on the team, at least that what you thought, no one knew how old Pyro was. You were almost positive that you were younger than them though.

"Ok I vill stop, I didn't scare jou did I?" Josef asked you. You furrowed your brows at the tall man, "You're the vorst Josef, I can't believe I am related to you." He chuckled and ruffled the hair on your head. "Jou are avoiding zhe qvestion, did I scare jou?" You sighed and punched his shoulder. "Yes you did, I don't vant you to fall." You saw him roll his eyes which made you punch him again. "It's not a joke Josef!"

"Y/n I have respawn, it's not like I haven't died before." You frowned at his comment, "That doesn't mean I shouldn't vorry about you Josef. I don't know vhat I vould do if something really bad happened to you." He sighed and placed a hand on your shoulder, "I am jour bruder, I am not going to leave jou." He pulled you close to him and hugged your smaller frame. "Y/n I vould never leave jou. Ve are family, ve stick togezher." You smiled up at him and he could not help but grin back. "Besides, somevone has to be here to boss jou around."

"But everyvone does that." You stated, clearly annoyed by that fact. Josef laughed, more like cackled, but he placed a small kiss on your forehead. "Jou are my favorite sibling Y/n." You frowned, "I'm your only sibling." He laughed again and hugged you tighter, "Ja but jou are still meine favorite."

As if someone flicked a switch the sweet moment between you two was over. The clouds went dark, green light passing through them, and loud claps of thunder could be heard. Wind began to pick up so strong it caused you and Josef to stumble. Josef lost his grip on you and you fell backward onto your chair. "Y/n, are jou alright?" He asked frantically. Mercenaires began to file out from the base onto the ground. Josef helped you up and looked down at them.

The mercs bellow you were holding weapons tightly in their hands. You noticed Heavy was carrying your brother's medigun and bone saw. Heavy looked around and spotted you on the roof, "Leetle Y/n! You go now! Get to safety! Doktor, ve need you!" Josef nodded and looked at you, "Go, get back in zhe base. I vill be fine but jou need to go, now Y/n." His expression was stern but you could see the fear in his blue eyes. A large gust of wind came from behind you. Josef was able to stabilize himself but when he looked back you were gone. He looked around frantically and what he saw terrified him.

You had tripped over the ledge of the roof and you were plummeting downward.You could feel gravity pulling you downwards at a quick speed. A scream escaped your lips and you heard Josef call your name. You squeezed your eyes shut and braced yourself for impact. You felt yourself hit against something roughly. It felt as if all the air was knocked out of your body and you could not breath for a few seconds.

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