Confession - Offense

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This is part one of the 'Confession' chapters! This is Offense classes edition! The requested chapters are coming soon! Enjoy and have a wonderful day!



He was rather charming.

Especially in swim trunks.

Of course you would never tell Scout about your little crush on him. When he flirted with you, it may have always been a joke, but man would you blush. He loved that about you, how flustered you got. He would do it on purpose just to get that pink blush, because he liked it. He loved complimenting you too.

It was hotter than ever and the mercenaries were melting. Except Pyro of course, who was used to the heat. The mercenaries decided to go to the lake in Teufort. You agreed greatly and went to your room to change. You put on a high neck bikini with camouflage print on it, but until you got there you decided to put on a baggy t-shirt.

Walking outside, you joined some men in Sniper's van. Sniper was driving, Medic was next to him in the passenger seat, and Pyro was in the middle. Spy, Engineer, Soldier, and Demoman were riding in Engineer's pickup truck. Heavy, Scout, and you filed into the back of the van.

Heavy sat more towards the front of the van because he wanted to talk with the others. You sat in the very back and Scout sat next to you. He may have been small compared to the others but he still was decently muscular. He was wearing his team colored swim trunks and was smirking at you.

"How's it goin' good lookin'?" You rolled your eyes. "I'm fine." A tint of pink spread on your face. "Gettin' flustered again?" You frowned and blushed a bit more. "N-no! Of course not!" He smiled and inched closer. "You sure 'bout that Toots?" You pushed him back. "Shut up Scout."

He laughed. "C'mon toots! I know yah like me! I mean who wouldn't?" Heavy piped up. "Lots of people." Scout frowned and you laughed. The van suddenly stopped and everyone filed out. The lake was beautiful and no one was there. Perfect.

Everyone setup spots on the small beach. Demoman placed down a cooler full of beer and pop. Multiple men ran over and began to take drinks. As for you, you threw off the shirt, and ran into the water. You dived in and swam silently under the water.

You swam far out and came up for air. The men were getting in the water now and some had started a splash fight. Spy and Pyro decided to stay out of the water and talk for a while by the cooler.

You swam back underwater and laid on your back at the bottom. The sand was warm and very soft and you liked it. A small fish swam over and tried to nibble on your foot, causing you to swim backwards, your back dragging on the floor.

A rock scrapped along your neck and to your lower back. You yelped underwater and quickly swam back up. You felt lighter and realised your top was gone. That rock must have cut it up causing it to fall off. You blamed the fish. Stupid fish.

You looked around frantically for your top and thanked the luck of you being really far out from everyone. Stupid camouflage top, how dare it... camouflage. Either way you couldn't find it. You groaned and saw the fish underwater. You frowned at it and began to cuss it out. The fish just looked at you, then nibbled your foot, and swam off when you kicked at it.

" 'ey toots! Whaddya doin' out here by yourself?" Shit. Scout was swimming towards you. "Damn. Yah like it out here or somethin'? I can't even touch the ground." You frowned and wrapped your arms around your chest, allowing only your neck up show. "That's because your short Scout." He laughed. "I'm taller than you."

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