Kindergarten Boyfriend - Sniper x Child!Reader

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This concludes the request by - GummyMinSuga-Ah

I hope all the child readers were to your liking. I will do more if they are requested but, for those who don't know/remember, she had requested an individual child reader for all the mercs. Enjoy this one!


Sniper was one of the men you lived with. You favored him because you had a crush on him. True you were just a little kid but everyone has celebrity crushes, why can't you have one on Sniper?

Today was valentine's day and Spy was in charge of watching you. You were lost in thought while sitting in his smoking room. He was reading a book in his chair. He noticed you looked very dazed so he cleared his throat. "Somezhing on 'our mind cherie?"

You looked at him. "How do I get a valentine?" You asked. He rose a brow. "Who do 'ou want as 'our valentine?" Your cheeks flushed. "A p-person."

He smirked. "Mon fille?" You looked at him nervously, you could never hide things from him. He set down his book, walked over to your chair, and knelt in front of you. "Who is it?" You tried to get out from the chair but he picked you up.

"A person! Why d-do you want to know?" You squirmed in his arms. "Because, if 'ou tell me, I will 'elp 'ou." You stopped. "Really?" He nodded. "Oui, only if 'ou tell me who it is." Your cheeks turned pink again. "Promise?" He nodded. "Promise."

You looked around and motioned him closer. He turned his head and you cupped his ear. "Sniper." You whispered. Spy looked like he wanted to explode with laughter but then he pulled a good poker face. "Oui, I can 'elp 'ou win 'im over." You smiled and hugged him. Spy set you down.

"Let us begin."

It had been an hour or two of Spy preparing you. It was time for lunch now. Most men were already in the dining room. Spy patted your shoulder in his smoking room. "Good luck mon fille." You smiled and he left.

You sighed in the room and picked up a card you had created. It was a card with a heart and a picture of Sniper inside of the card. You were dressed in a tiny suit. Why a tiny suit you may ask? Well we will just say that Scout is no longer allowed to do laundry.

You took a deep breath and picked up a rose you also had. You took the two items and walked proudly out of the room. Your hair was brushed neatly back and you were prepared. You walked into the dining room.

Spy saw you, winked, and gave you a thumbs up. He was seated next to Sniper and Medic. Scout, Demoman, Engineer, and Soldier were playing poker on a table not to far away. Heavy and Pyro were preparing lunch still.

You walked over to Sniper and cleared your throat. He looked over at you. "Yeah? Oh sheila, Oi loike yer new suit." You smiled nervously. "Wot are those for?" He pointed at the card and rose. You held them out to him. "W-Will you be my v-valentine?" You asked.

Sniper looked shocked. Spy was snickering and Medic smiled. Sniper looked at the others. Spy rose his brows and motioned to you with his hand. Sniper looked back at you. "Sure sheila." Your cheeks burned red. "Really?" He nodded.

You squealed and hugged his arm. Sniper sighed and smiled down at you. "So when can we eat?" Sniper rose a brow. "Well Oi'm sure Heavy and Pyro are almost finished." You shook your head. "Spy said I am supposed to eat fancy food with you now."

He held back his glare towards Spy. "Fancy food? Loike wot kind of food?" He asked. "Um... The fancy kind?" You said. Then your eyes lit up. "I can make mac and cheese for us!" Then you ran off.

Once you were gone and asking Heavy about how to cook mac and cheese, Sniper punched Spy in the arm. "Zhe 'ell was zhat for?" Sniper frowned. "Yah put her up to it didn't yah?" He shook his head. "I only provided advice for 'er. She asked 'ow to get a valentine and I told 'er."

Medic piped in. "Jou should be honored. She clearly likes jou zhe best out of zhe ozhers. Including herr Spy und myself." Sniper sighed. "Vell Sniper, jou now are a kindergartener's boyfriend." He rolled his eyes. "Not until she buys me dinner."

"Does mac and cheese count?" Spy teased. Sniper blushed slightly. "Shut up, yah bloody Spy." You came back. "Heavy and Pyro said we don't have mac and cheese. I'm sorry." You looked pretty sad about this. Sniper got up and took your hand. "Come on sheila, Oi have some in my camper."

You lit up again. "Really? Do I get to make it?" He chuckled. "If yah want to." You hugged his leg, then gasped. "Sniper!" He looked at you. "No need to yell. Wot is it?" You turned around and began to run away. Then you came back. "You forgot your card and your rose." You handed him the items and he smiled.

You two enjoyed a nice meal of mac and cheese for lunch. You told him about how Spy had to prepare you for everything. "He told me to use pick up lines... but I don't know what that means." He laughed. "That is alroight sheila. How was lunch?" You smiled. "I liked it. It was very fancy."

You hopped out of your chair and walked over to Sniper. Your rose sat in a vase on his table and the card was on a shelf. You hugged Sniper's torso. "Thank you for being my valentine." He picked you up and hugged you back. "Of course sheila. Yah were my favorite one." You smiled.

"Wanna go to the park today?" He asked. You nodded. "Alroight. How 'bout you go get outta the suit and into something more comfortable? Then meet me back here. Sound good?" You nodded and hopped out of his lap.

You began to run out but then turned around. "Sniper! I almost forgot!" You ran back and planted a quick but soft kiss on his cheek. "Spy said I was supposed to to that too." Then you ran out of the camper. "Bloody Spy." He said.

Then Sniper laughed. "Oi guess Oi really am a kindergartener's boyfriend."

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