Burnt - Pyro x Reader

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Requested by - DeathEyeDerp and the other person requested to remain annoymous. Yes there were two. One had a promt and the other wanted a male Pyro chapter. So, Pyro's pronouns will be male in this chapter.

This was a fun one to write! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Have a wonderful rest of your day/night!


Pyro may wear his mask most of his day but every once in a while he like to take it off. He would never show his teammates what he looked like under the mask for privacy reasons. That and he loved keeping them in suspense. Since he did not want anyone seeing him he would walk around outside without his mask on. Currently it was dark out, a nice evening with a small breeze. For safety reasons, and some others that he would not discuss, Pyro had his flamethrower with him.

Normally on his walks he would see squirrels and sometimes rabbits. So when he heard a twig snap behind him he took no notice. Pyro continued his walk as peaceful as he could. By now the birds were asleep so the only thing he could hear was his footsteps, and another twig snap. Now it had his attention. He gripped his flamethrower tighter in his hands. He figured it was his imagination as he had a pretty big one so he carried on his walk. This time Pyro would pay more attention to the sounds around him.

When he heard a low growling sound Pyro stopped. Pyro turned around but it was dark he could not see that well. He tried to make out shapes other than the nearby buildings but he could not find anything. Then his eyes stopped on a shape. It looked like a blob but it was slowly getting closer to him. That made Pyro nervous, the blob was pretty large even from a distance. He began to see something bright with the blob, rather two bright things. As the blob was only a few feet away Pyro could see two bright yellow eyes. That really freaked him out so he flicked his flamethrower on.

Pyro had to make sure he was not wearing his goggles because he could not explain what he was looking at. It was like a large muscular dog, its canines bared, and its dirty fur sticking up in odd angles. Though when it stood up on its back legs Pyro did not know if it was a dog. The beast growled at Pyro when it made eye contact. The mercenary was spooked, he did not know what to do, it is not like they trained him on how to deal with beasts.

The large dog stepped closer and Pyro raised his flamethrower. "Don't come any closer!" He threatened, his voice almost cracking from fear. He turned up the heat on his weapon and watched the flame grow. He took a step closer and tried to intimidate the dog. Instead, the dog stepped closer, putting its paw hand in front of its face to shield itself from the fire, smart dog. Its hand got a brutal burn but it did not seem to faze the dog. Pyro gasped quietly and turned up the heat again. This seemed to work better as the dog stepped back, the top of its head grazing the fire.

It dropped back to four legs and continued to walk backwards. Pyro decided this would be a good time to make a break for it. He swiftly turned off his fire and ran. He ran in the direction of the base but he could hear the beast's paws beating on the ground behind him. Only a few lights were on in the base and he could see the window to his room. Pyro managed to grab a few rocks as he ran, throwing them behind him, one nailed the beast on its shoulder. He heard it yelp but continue to run. Pyro made it to the base and instead of going to the front door, he jumped through his window. The glass shattered but he turned and threw the rest of his rocks at the dog.

The beast stuck its head through the broken window. It must not like stepping on glass because next thing Pyro knew it was gone. The maniac laid on his floor, panting. He pushed his flamethrower by his bed and remained on the floor. Suddenly he heard frantic footsteps heading towards his room so he got his mask on swiftly. Medic and Engineer burst through the door. "Pyro! Is everyzhing alright? Vhat happened to jour vindow?" Medic asked. Engineer walked in and examined the broken glass. Pyro made a bird with his hands and pointed at the window, he doubted they would believe him that he was being chased by a beast dog.

"Archimedes..." Medic muttered before looking at the window. Engineer looked down at Pyro. "Are yah alright partner?" The pyromaniac nodded his head. "I'm fine." He said. Of course, the other two had no idea what he said, his words always came out as 'hudda hudda' after all. Sometimes Pyro just said the words 'hudda hudda' just to see what the others thought he said.

"Vell at least jou are not hurt. Zhough jou vill be if jou stay on zhe floor vis all zhat glass." Medic said. Engineer walked back to the door by Medic. "Ah will fix that window tomorrah. Yah need tuh clean up that glass though. Can yah handle that?" Engineer asked. Pyro gave him a thumbs up before the men wished him good night and left. Pyro decided he would clean up the glass in the morning, he was to tired and confused to want to do anything. In his state Pyro fell asleep on the floor, dreaming of dogs, and Archimedes.

The next morning he got up early and cleaned up the glass that was on his floor. Pyro was still tired when breakfast time came. Engineer knocked on his door, "Breakfast Pyro! Made your favorite, pancakes!" He called. Pyro groggily got off his bed and opened the door. He slouched his way to the kitchen and took a seat at the table. Then you entered, greeting mercenaries, and sitting next to Pyro. "Hey buddy, you look like a zombie. Are you sure you're awake yet?" You asked him, grinning. Pyro always liked your smile, it was pretty, but he was always a little freaked out by how big your canines were. Pyro looked at you once you started speaking to him and he was shocked at what he saw.

There was a large bruise on your shoulder, a large bandaid on your jaw, and your hand was bandaged. The hair on your head also looked messy but not in a normal way. It almost looked burnt. Pyro gestured to the bandages on your hand. You shrugged, "Medic says my sleepwalking has gotten a lot worse. My hands all burnt and my shoulder took some force. He thinks I turned on the stove, burned my hand, got so spooked that I tripped and messed up my shoulder."

"Though he couldn't explain my hair. It's all burnt and there are twigs in it." You explained. "My hands were covered in dirt too, I guess we should lock my door when I sleep huh?" You asked him, jokingly. Pyro just looked at you, his breathing slowly increasing. He was trying to piece together the events. Pyro believed in magic because he fought a wizard every year. He never thought other mythical things could be real. He never even considered it. Now he was having second thoughts. He quickly excused himself from the table and ran back to his room.

He found Engineer in there, looking at the broken window. "Oh Pyro, sorry didn't mean to intrude. Ah just needed tuh take some measurements so Ah can fix your window." Pyro waved his hand, signalling that it was fine. He was distracted by what he saw on the glass still in the window. There was a tuft of hair. He pointed at it and Engineer looked at the fluff. "Oh right, Ah saw that. No idea where it's from though, this is your room Ah figured yah would know." Pyro shook his head, even though he did know.

"Y'know the color looks a lot like Y/n's hair. Maybe the darlin' got caught last night while sleep walkin'. Medic said Y/n got real messed up. Bruises, cuts, and some burns." Pyro began to feel a wave of guilt. Those burns were not from a stove. Pyro did that. That bruise on your shoulder, Pyro did that. Well technically a rock did that but Pyro threw the rock. He had to sit down, this was a lot to handle.

Pyro had seen ghosts, wizards, flying eyeballs even. He had never seen this before and he did not know what to think of it. Engineer could tell the mercenary was distressed, "Everythin' alright Pyro?" The Texan asked. "Hudda hud hudda." Pyro said. Engineer crossed his arms, "That doesn't translate through yer mask well, can yah do charades again?" Pyro did not want to do charades, instead he did something unpredictable. He lifted his mask above his lips and spoke.

"Y/n is a werewolf."

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