You're Being Hit On

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In most of these stories Pyro is a male. If you want a female Pyro x reader just request it and I can think of something! Also sorry for accents, I'm still working on it. Also if something is not translated correctly please tell me and can you also give me the correct translation. Also I didn't realize it until Medic's chapter that when he says words with a 'th' sound it's replaced by a 's' or a 'z' so don't get mad please ^^'



Bowling was always something you enjoyed. On this night you were out with Demo, Scout, and Sniper. Everyone just in more comfortable clothes, Sniper without the vest, Demo just in the shirt and pants he wore under his battle clothes, and Scout without his bat holder. A public bowling alley on a thursday night was not as crowded as you expected. There were maybe fourteen or fifteen others.

Currently you were beating Scout and Demo but Sniper was winning by six points. It was Scout's turn and he looked at everyone. "Watch me land a strike." You chuckled. Demo looked at Sniper. "Betcha he won't hit a single pin." Sniper nodded and smirked.

Scout wownd up and rolled the ball. It went and curved right before the pins missing all of them. You laughed and Sniper handed Demo a 5 dollar bill. "Ey quit laughin' the floors curved or somethin'."

"Whatever you say laddie!" Demo chimed. You smiled at Scout. "You have another shot still, you can do it." Sniper looked at Demo and they made the same bet.

Scout blew on the ball for luck and rolled it once more. This time it knocked down five pins and Sniper got his five dollars back. Scout smirked over at everyone. "Aren't I just great?"

You rolled your eyes and picked up the bowling ball of your choice. "Oi bet the sheila will knock down more than five." You heard Sniper say. "Who ever loses owes me a basket of fries!" You called. The men nodded as you rolled the ball. Eight pins knocked over but the two left where a split. "Shit..." You muttered. "Well I still get fries from one of you!" Sniper smirked over at Demo.

Calculations of the perfect angle came into your head. If you could just hit the right pin on its corner then it should roll over and hit the other one. Finalizing the plan in your head you tried it out, getting a spare.

The men cheered behind you and you high fived Scout. Demo set your fries on the counter then went to go take his turn. "Oi'm gonna go take a piss." Sniper said walking off. "Use the bathroom this time ya bloody jarman!" Scout called. Sniper turned and flipped Scout off as you laughed.

"Ey cyclops can you see the pins alright?" Scout asked Demo. "I can see where Oi'm gonna stick 'em up your ass!" You snorted out a laugh. Scout walked over and started verbally fighting with Demo. You just sat at the counter eating your fries.

"Nice shot out there girly." A scratchy voice said behind you. You turned and jumped slightly. "Oh uh, thanks." The guy was wearing a orange t-shirt and jeans. "What are ya doing hanging out with these misfits... when a lovely woman like yourself could be with a rich guy like me."

He emphasized rich in that sentence. You rose a brow. "They are my friends... I enjoy their company..." He chuckled. "Whatever... I mean you have a pretty nice bowling rack if you get what I mean~" You scoffed. The man leaned closer to you. "If you come with me girly, I can show you a good time." You scoffed again at this man's pathetic attempt to flirt. Or was it this pathetic man's attempt to flirt? Either way he smelt terrible.

"Aww come on girly... come hang out with me instead. I mean a gorgeous girl like yourself and-" Someone cut him off. "A handsome guy like me could really go far with a bucket of chicken."

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