Relationship Advice - Hanzo x Reader x Sniper

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Requested by - XX_Temmie_XX

Sorry for the wait, I hope you like it though!!


The Overwatch team had shown up a few days ago and ever since then everyone had been unnaturally well. Hanzo and Sniper grew pretty close considering they both do not like to be around a lot of people. Currently they were enjoying a conversation with each other on the top of Sniper's van. It was around six o'clock in the evening.

You walked out of the base and stood at the bottom of the camper. "Sniper! Hanzo!" Sniper looked down from his seat. "G'day sheila?" Hanzo's head appeared from the camper top. "Hello misu Y/n."

You waved to each of them. "Dinner will be ready in ten minutes." You smiled. Judging by the apron around your waist and the bandana pulling your hair back, you had made dinner. "Wot is for dinnah?" You held your hands together. "I made chicken fettuccine alfredo and Mercy prepared a fancy caesar salad for a side dish."

Sniper noticed the flour on your cheek. "Yah got somethin' on your face sheila." You wiped your left cheek with your hand. Your cheeks flushed. "I forgot to mention I made homemade garlic bread. That must be flower from the bread." Sniper grinned. "You're adorable..." He mumbled.

You looked back up at him. "What was that? I couldn't hear you?" He shook his head and lost the grin. "Nothin', we'll be in soon. Thank's Y/n." You smiled. "Don't take to long or everyone else will get to the food before you." Hanzo nodded his head. "Thank you misu Y/n." You walked back into the house.

Sniper chuckled and looked back at Hanzo. He rose his brows at the smirking man before him. "Wot?" Hanzo let out a low chuckle. "Adorable huh?" Sniper's cheeks flushed violently. "Yah heard that?" Hanzo leaned closer to Sniper. "I did not know you were interested in Y/n." Sniper looked away. "Oi'm not tha' is whoi." Hanzo almost laughed. "Your face says otherwise my friend."

Sniper chuckled. "Ok yah got me there." Hanzo folded his arms. "Why don't you say anything to her about it?" Sniper shrugged. "Oi am not good with women. 'Specally women loike her." Hanzo smiled. "Just be yourself Mundy. She will accept you the way you are and if she doesn't then she is not right for you. Your lover should make you into a better person not change you to fit their mold. Your lover will not care of your body or your face, but they will care for your heart."

Sniper smiled. "Hanzo, sometimes Oi don't know where yah come up with that stuff." Hanzo folded his legs. "I have learned threw the path of life to prepare for tomorrow but to do my best today." (Or you listen to the author, whoops sorry fourth wall break.)

Sniper nodded. "Yah impress me every day. Oi'm going to miss yah when yah leave." Hanzo patted Sniper's shoulder. "Do not think about me right now. Go talk to Y/n, prove that you love her, and don't forget my advice." Hanzo smiled and hopped down from the camper. He landed silently then walked into the base.

Sniper sighed and followed shortly. Once inside he observed that Hanzo was now talking with his brother Genji and Spy. Hanzo nodded at Sniper and Sniper gave a thumbs up. He walked into the kitchen and smelt the delicious food.

Mercy was tending to the pasta while you sprinkled some spices on the garlic bread. Mercy looked towards Sniper. "Ahh Sniper hallo! Zhe food is almost ready but I am going to put out zhe bread and salad now." With that she left, salad in hand. You started to follow her with the bread. Sniper stopped you. "Wait Y/n, can Oi talk tuh yah?" You nodded. "Yeah I'm going to put out the bread quick then I will." He rubbed the back of his head.

"Is everything alright?" You asked him. Mercy came back and you handed her the bread tray. "Think you could give us a minute?" You whispered to her. She nodded and smiled. "I can have Jack guard zhe door. Good luck wis him Y/n." She winked as she walked out with the bread.

You looked back up at Sniper. "What is is Sniper?" He shifted in his stance then he sighed. "Oi really, uh, really..." His face began to turn to a dark crimson. "Oi wanted to t-tell yah how much Oi l-loike y-yah Y-Y/n." Your cheeks tinted a light pink. "You like me?" He nodded. "Y-Yeah Oi really d-do." You looked down. "Sniper..."

His heart fell. He did something wrong. You didn't like him. He knew he had fucked up as soon as he walked in that kitchen. He knew he was stupid, he should have listened to Spy when he said he was a worthless jarman. Stupid bloody Spy always making Sniper feel like a-

You pulled Sniper down by his vest onto your level and smashed your lips onto his. It pulled him out of his thoughts but he wrapped his arms around your waist. Your arms found their way around his neck and onto the back on his head.

His lungs burned for air and he pulled back. You blushed and fumbled with your words. "I'm so s-sorry! Your just so cute and I couldn't resist! Did I say cute? I didn't mean that! Well I did but I just really wanted to kiss you and I-" He placed a finger on your lips. "Your adorable when yah ramble sheila." Your cheeks burned red and you covered your face with both of your hands.

Sniper grabbed your wrists and tried to pull them off your face. "Sniper don't it's embarrassing!" You whined. He chuckled but managed to pry your hands off. He kissed your nose and smiled at your blush darkening. He kissed your cheek and hugged you.

"Sniper I need to bring the alfredo out to everyone." He smushed his face into your hair. "But your so warm..." You sighed into his chest. "But the foods going to get cold." He ignored you. "Will yah go out with me sometoime?" You smiled. "I will on one condition." He looked down at you. "And wot would that be?" You smirked up at him. "You let me serve dinner."

He smiled. "Ok babe, wot evah yah want." He let you go but gave you a swift kiss to the cheek. You smiled and grabbed some oven mitts then grabbed the bowel of pasta. "Is babe an Australian thing?" You asked him. He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah it is, do yah mind?" You shook your head. "No it's nice."

He smiled and walked out with you, only to be greeted with cheers of the other men and women. "I am assuming it went well?" Mercy asked. You nodded, a grin on your face, and a blush dusting your cheeks. Sniper chuckled. "Who snitched?" Hanzo shrugged and looked at Mercy. "It was not me! My guess is Tracer!" Tracer laughed. "Guilty as charged!"

You laughed and Sniper smiled. He loved your laugh. You placed the dish on the table. Two table settings had salad and bread on the plates in order to save food for the two of you. Sniper took a seat and you followed next to him. "So Snipes, how did yah manage to get a girl before me?" Scout asked. Sniper shrugged, glanced at Hanzo, but looked at you lovingly.

"Oi was myself."

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