The Consequences of Stealing A Hat - Sniper x Male!Reader

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Requested by -  Damien_is_here_bois (Ok for some reason I can't tag you?? I don't know what is going on)

I had fun with this one! It gets a little mature like the previous male reader. No lemon, just some maturity. Have a wonderful day regardless!!


"Sniper give that back right now." You commanded, annoyed. Sniper was holding your hat above his head, just a little bit out of your reach. You were on your feet, trying your best to reach the hat. The Aussie just chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Hm, why would Oi do that love?" Sniper asked, raising his brow.

"Because I told you to, that's why." You replied, crossing your arms. Sniper tapped his chin, "Nah, maybe if yah ask nicely Oi can give it back." You huffed out a breath, "Oh my darling Sniper, would you stop being a frickin' idiot and give me my hat back?" He grinned at you, "Yah didn't even say please. Looks like your not gettin' it back!" He stated cheerfully. You rolled your eyes and lightly shoved him, "Why did you take it in the first place?"

"Simple, you're pretty cute when your mad love." Sniper teased, causing you to flush up in the face. He rose his brow and grinned down at you. "Though you're adorable when your face is all red mate." He teased again, somehow making your cheeks darker. You frowned at him as he stepped closer to you. "Aww now you're poutin'. Bloody hell, Oi didn't think yah could get cuter." You advanced toward him, "Ha ha, aren't you hilarious? Just give me my hat back."

You raised your arms up, trying your best to reach the hat, you even stood up on your toes. You furrowed your brows, "You're an ass." Sniper rose both of his brows. "That wasn't very nice." You rolled your eyes, "It wasn't supposed to be. Give me my hat right now Mundy or I will kick your ass so hard you will taste it." Sniper chuckled, pressing another kiss to your forehead. "Feisty little bugger aren't yah?" He asked.

You set a hand on his shoulder, trying to push yourself up, and him down. "Need some help?" He asked, as if he was not the problem. He lowered the hat enough that your fingertips could barely touch it. You groaned, frowning at him, as he smiled at you. Sniper seemed to find this exchange rather amusing. Especially since it was not happening to him.

He decided that he had enough fun so he plopped the hat on top of your head. You took it off and threw it onto your dresser, out of his reach. Then you turned back to him. "You're an ass." You stated, swiping his hat, and holding it behind your back. Sniper raised his brow, "And that is s'pposed to stop me how?" He asked. You flushed slightly, "Just try and get it back if it's so easy." Sniper shrugged, "Foine, yah asked for it."

He set his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him. Sniper slid his hands around to your back and down to your upper thigh, making sure to give your behind a quick squeeze, that weirdo. Anyway he lifted you up, making your legs bend around him, and your chest was level with his neck. He had his arms underneath you, holding you up. Sniper looked up at you, "So, wot's it gonna take for me to get the hat back?" He asked, raising a brow. He had taken off his sunglasses so you were left staring into his blue eyes.

You were still a little flustered as he spoke. You shrugged regardless, "I don't know Mundy. What is it going to take?" You asked, a small smirk on your lips. Sniper kissed your neck, making sure to take his sweet time. His lips worked magic around your neck, under your jaw, and even on your collar bone. Each kiss leaving your skin tingly, yearning for more. You wrapped your arms around his neck, making sure you kept a good grip on the hat.

Sniper backed up and sat himself on your bed. You were seated in his lap as he continued to kiss you. You changed positions slightly. Your thighs were on either side of him and your groin against his stomach. Sniper's hands had drifted to your hips, his thumbs tracing your hip bones.

Sniper hit a sweet spot on your neck, causing you to let out a quick moan. He stopped what he was doing to look up at you. "Eager?" He teased. Your cheeks tinted at a blush again but you shook your head. Sniper smirked and repeated his action, kissing harder, and nipping at it. You let out another very embarrassing noise, this one a lot higher and louder than the first. You felt Sniper smirk against your skin. "Sure you're not eager? Cause Oi don't think that's a gun pressin' 'gainst me-"

"Shut it." You growled, throwing his hat to the other side of the room. You felt him pick you up and set you beside him. Sniper stood up and removed his shirt. He had a white tank top underneath his team colored shirt. He tossed the garment to the side and looked down at you. Sniper's eyes wandered up and down your body. You stood up, facing him, and smirking. "Where do yah think you're goin' love?" He purred. His hands slipped around to your rear, squeezing it again, and pulling you closer to him.

You grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him backward, sending both of you back onto the bed. You rewrapped your legs around him as he began to kiss you again. You felt his hunger for you with each kiss. His rough lips wandered all over your neck as his hands massaged your thighs and hips. You let out some noises as he bit your skin. "Damnit Mundy, quit kissing my neck and get up here." You groaned out.

Sniper for once listened to you, his lips meeting yours in an intimate battle for dominance. You ran your hands through his hair. He continued his movements with his hands before removing himself from the kiss. "Listen love" He started, a small growl in his voice. "You've been orderin' me around a lot recently." He continued, fidgeting with the hem of your pants. "But we are in the bedroom now." He purred, licking his bottom lip.

You looked up at him, eager for what was to come next. "Yeah, so what?" You challenged, making his hunger rise. Sniper chuckled as he smirked down at you. "Looks loike yah need a reminder love." You rose a brow, "And what would that be?" Sniper leaned back down to you, his hands grasping your hips, and his thumbs hooking in your pants. His lips were next to your ear as his husky voice continued.

"In here Oi'm in charge." 

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now