Doughnuts - Engineer x Reader

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Sexual themes in this chapter but no smut. :) Enjoy.

Ps. If you couldn't tell, I wrote this when I was hungry.


Finally it was a ceasefire day. Today was casual so you wore a simple red tank top and pants. Your team had won their battles all week. The Administrator decided to reward you all with a special treat.


Oh my goodness how much you loved those things. As soon as they were delivered you ran into the kitchen and sat down. Sniper stood by the counter, Scout sat on the counter, Engineer was sitting across from you at the table, and Pyro was sitting cross legged on the floor.

Medic came walking in with a big pink box. Heavy, Demoman, and Soldier were right next to him trying to get in the box. "Vait Vait! Got verdammt just vait! Jou zree can choose yours last!" He scolded.

Medic set the box down. Everyone opened up the box and just grabbed out the first one their hand got on. With only two doughnuts remaining, Medic took his and rolled his eyes. Spy was smoking and said he would join later.

Your doughnut was nothing special. It was a long vanilla breaded one with chocolate frosting. It was heavier than usual so you assumed it was filled with some sort of cream. You looked around at other options of doughnut to see if anyone would trade. Scout had a doughnut shaped like a foot, Medic a doughnut like yours but smaller, Pyro had a strawberry doughnut with rainbow sprinkles, the others had simple round doughnuts. Except Soldier who had, a bagel? How strange.

Engineer was looking at you. He had the biggest crush on you and couldn't help but stare. He watched as you took your first bite. The white cream squeezed out onto your lips. He continued to watch as you pulled the doughnut back and began to lick your lips. At one point you wiped it away with your index finger then licked that. You did each action slowly only to make sure you did not make a mess. But it was torture to him.

Engineer's face began to turn pink and he quickly turned his attention to his doughnut. You noticed this and so did multiple others. "Hey, Engie?" You said. He looked at you. "Yeah Y/n?" You moved your mouth closer to the doughnut. "You ok?" He nodded quickly and you shrugged.

You took another bite. This was one of the messiest doughnuts ever as the cream once again dripped out all over. This time it dripped onto your bare chest but you did not take notice. You put your hand on the chair in between your legs and scooted the chair closer. The movement caused the cream to drip more onto your chest. Still you took no notice.

Engineer had though.

His face was now a nice shade of red to rival his own shirt. He did not know which he prefered to watch. The cream on your chest or you licking the doughnut of the dripping cream. The other mercs were chuckling and mumbling among each other. Everyone knew except you because you were way into this doughnut.

Scout walked over to Engineer and bent to his ear. "Yah gonna tell her or am I gonna have to-" He was whispering until Engineer hit Scout upside the head. "Y'all better not say a word!" He said to loudly. The others chuckled and looked at you. "Say a word about what?" You asked whipping cream off your lips. Engineer looked nervous as Scout stood up and crossed his arms smirking. "W-well uh..."

"Oh my, what do we 'ave 'ere?" Spy said suddenly. He had appeared behind Engineer and his eyes were focused downward. Scout also looked down and laughed a high pitched bark. Engineer turned even more red and quickly put his hands between his legs. The other men began to laugh as Spy took a napkin and grabbed his doughnut.

"Tell me what?" You repeated. Engineer looked helplessly at the others then back to you. "You have, uh, some cream, on your uh..." He covered his mouth with his left hand and pointed at your chest with the right. You looked down. Three drops of cream were rolling down your chest.

Frantically you pulled your shirt collar forward, revealing a little too much, and grabbed a napkin. You folded the napkin and whipped up as much as you could.

Engineer was now covering his whole face with both hands while the other men began to laugh at him more. You looked over at everyone and set down the small amount of doughnut you had left. "What is so funny?"

"I dunno Y/n... wha' is so funny laddie?" Demoman said, hitting Engineer on the hard hat. "Sh-shut up!" Engineer said pushing Demoman away. He began to stand up in order to hit Demoman again but Spy put a hand on his shoulder. "Ah ah ah~ wouldn't want zhat to be seen by votre dame (your lady) now would we?" He said pointing downward once more at Engineer.

Engineer sat back down and grumbled something. You furrowed your brows in confusion at the men. You were just as innocent as Pyro when it came to their jokes. You rolled your eyes and decided to finish your doughnut.

You grabbed it and put the whole thing in your mouth. Once you bit into it the cream was a little too much to handle and you gagged. It dripped out of your mouth and you swallowed what was left. You panted slightly from the sudden lack of oxygen and the cream was still on your lips.

Engineer officially stood up and walked over to you. He grabbed your arm and made you stand up. You rose your brows. "Engie? What are you doing?"

"Shh..." He put a finger to your lips. Then he whipped the cream off of it with that finger. He licked it off of his own finger. "What was th-that for?" You asked. "Ah helped, that's all." He replied.

Your face began to tint a pink. He sighed. "Y/n... There is something Ah wanna tell yah." You rose a brow. "Ah really, um, really..." He began. "A-a-ah, um, r-really-"

"For fucks sakes!" Demoman said. "He likes jou frau!" Medic called over. Your face was even redder as you rubbed your arm. "Engie... is that t-true?" You asked.

The blush on his face was enough to answer your question. You stepped closer, inches away from his face. His warm breath could be felt on your face. "Man you two are slow!" Scout scolded. He walked over and shoved Engineer onto you.

His lips contacted with yours. Both of your faces were beat red. He slowly melted into it and wrapped his arms around your waist. You cupped his cheeks with both of your hands. The men around erupted in cheers.

Engineer pulled back and smiled at you. "Wull tha' was what Ah was tryin' to say." You chuckled. "I think I liked that way better." He pecked you on the cheek. "So..." You began. He rose a brow. "Why was everyone laughing?" He laughed at the question. "Ah will tell yah later... maybe over a candle light dinner?" You smiled. "I'd love that."

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