Taking Out A Spy - Spy x Medic!Reader

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Oh god damn it how I love this picture XD. I don't ship it but IT IS ADORABLE XD. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Yah know Spah, Ah wonder if yeh even do your job." Engineer said. Spy looked at him, a cigarette in his mouth. "What is zhat supposed to mean?" Spy folded his arms.

"Ah think we both know." Engineer chuckled. "We both know about a certain someone on the other team... a Medic if Ah am correct." Spy averted his gaze from the Engineer. "My job is profesional... I act profesional."

Engineer crossed his arms. "Really? Yah have had multiple opportunities to kill her but nah, yah don't. Ah have seen the way you look at her on the field... Yah watch her Spah." Spy frowned but continued to look away. "Yah know what else Ah can see?" Engineer smirked. "That blush spreading on your face cause that mask ain't big enough to cover it."

Spy turned and glared at Engineer. "How many of 'ou know?" Engineer rose a brow. "Just me. The others are more focused on sending her to respawn rather than staring at her a-" Spy cut in quickly. "I did zhat only once! My cloak was not able to be used and she was right zhere!" Engineer laughed. "Whatever you say Spah."

The two men headed down to the respawn room, readying for the battle ahead. All the others were there already. The Administrators voice could be heard counting down then the door opened. Everyone charged out listening to Demoman's battle cry.

Spy ran silently off and away from the others. Today he would not get distracted by the Medic.... The non German Medic that is. The one that made his heart flutter with every thought of her. With every small glance he took he would freeze and want to look back. Man how he loved that Medic.

Speak of the devil Spy saw her. She was healing a Heavy currently. Her coats sleeves were pulled up revealing her surprisingly muscular forearms. She had drops of sweat on her forehead and her hair was messy, sticking in odd angles. Spy couldn't help but chuckle.

"Comme ce que vous voyez?" (Like what you see?)

Spy turned and was face to face with the other Spy. both took out their knives and began to fight. The Spy, who was opposite your team, came out victorious. He had managed to turn the other Spy and stabbed him right in the back. Spy took out his disguise kit and turned into the other Spy. He made his way towards the other base. He was going to get the intelligence.

He walked into the building but was confronted with a Demoman. "Oy Spy! What are yeh doing? The battle is the other way!" Spy stopped and nodded. "I wanted a smoke." Demoman frowned. "Yah can do that on the field!" Demoman raised his gun. Spy took out his knife and swung, he missed. Demoman frowned again. "That Spy is a spy!"

Spy laughed. "Obviously!" Demoman shot and hit Spy right in the leg. Spy screeched slightly but took out his gun and shot Demoman in the skull. The man fell to the floor. Spy dragged his body away and took out his disguise kit once more. He started to limp down the halls looking for the briefcase. Then he heard it. The voice of an angel.

"Demo! Are you ok? You are bleeding! Come here I will help you!"

Spy turned and saw you, the beautiful Medic running towards him. He cleared his throat and put on his Scottish accent. "Oy lass whaddya doin' in here?" She chuckled. "Respawn... but I could ask you the same thing Demo." You began to heal him. "Or should I say..." Your face turned to a smirk.

"Spy?" Spy took off his disguise, stopping his healing. " 'ow could 'ou tell?" You smiled. "I have my ways." You traced your hands up his torso and rested them up his chest. He smirked down at you. "So mon petite fille," You pressed a finger to his lips. "Ssh... I have a question for you. Why have you been watching me during battles?" He chuckled. "So 'ou 'ave noticed? I couldn't 'elp myself as 'ou are a sight to behold."

You blushed slightly, flirting was not as easy as it looked, especially when he flirts back. He noticed the pink tinting your cheeks and he smirked. "Losing confidence are we?" Your cheeks turned full pink and he put his hands on your waist. "I will take zhat as a oui." You chuckled. "You wish."

"I 'ave never wished for anyzhing... Zhat is until I saw 'ou." Your cheeks were red now. "Stop it." He chuckled. "Stop what?" You made eye contact with him. "Being yourself." He smirked. "Alright zhen." He swiftly took out his kit and turned into Demoman again. You laughed and he turned back into himself. "Spy's should not be aloud to be funny."

He wrapped his arms around you. "Hmm, really? Why is zhat?" You wrapped yours around his neck. "Because with how charming you are it makes you even more of a perfect man." He smiled and this time you saw him blush. You giggled. "So he can change his appearance without a kit." He smirked and chuckled. " 'ow about we stop zhe chatter?"

You gratefully replied by connecting your lips to his. He smiled on the kiss and pulled you closer to him. The moment felt like it lasted for hours but really it was only a few seconds as a sudden alert rang out that the intelligence was stolen from your team.

Suddenly Spy let you go. " 'our team will be 'ere soon. 'ou better take me out." You smiled. "How does lunch sound? Tomorrow maybe?" He chuckled and nodded. "I will meet you outside zhe bases at noon?" You nodded. "Sounds wonderful."

Scout came running from a corner. "Doc! What are you doing?!" Spy looked at you, then at your syringe gun, and he nodded. You winked at him then took the gun, shooting it, and killing him instantly. "I was doing nothing Scout." Spy appeared in his respawn room like any other time. But you turned towards Scout.

"Just taking out a Spy."

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now