Stoopid Baby Man - Heavy x Reader

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You are NOT a morning person. All of the mercs knew that. You are crabby in mornings until you get your hands on a good cup of coffee. Usually you just make it yourself and get up early enough to not get pissed with anyone.

This morning however Heavy was also awake. As you entered the kitchen he greeted you. "Hello leetle Y/n." You grumbled a reply. Heavy was seated at the head of the table and he had a mug to small for his hands in them.

"I have made coffee for you. I had cup as well if you don't mind." You looked at him and smiled. A rare thing for you in mornings. You poured yourself a cup and took a seat next to him. You sipped the coffee and rose your brows.

"Wow Heavy this is the best coffee I have had in the base. What did you do?" He shrugged. "Hands to big. I added too much cinnamon." You set down the cup. "You added cinnamon?" He nodded and set down his cup as well. "Mother taught me about many ways to spice up my food."

You nodded. "It's very good, thank you." You smiled once more and he gave some sort of version of a smile. You tilted your head and scooted closer to him. "Can you smile for me just this once? I have never seen you smile."

He furrowed his brows. "Why would you want to?" You chuckled. "Because I really like youRE SHIRT! Yes your shirt." Your face began to turn red. Heavy rose a brow now. "Your face is red." You looked away.

"Is leetle Y/n alright?" He tried to meet your gaze, which was pretty simple with his height. You couldn't help but turn back towards him. "I'm fine." You took a sip of coffee. "Normally when I drink coffee it's very bitter. It tastes different each time so it's very untrustworthy. My cup even disappears randomly!"

"Sounds like Spy." Heavy said. You snorted out a laugh. The commotion attracted Scout. He came sulking into the kitchen. "Could ya be any louder?" He opened the fridge and grabbed a can of Bonk!

He drank some but from his fatigue, spilt a good portion on his shirt. "Hey fatso pass me a napkin." Heavy grunted and drank more coffee. Scout frowned and walked over taking a seat in front of you. He grabbed a handful of napkins and rubbed them on his chest.

He looked at Heavy. "Yo Heavy, ya got somethin' on your chin." Heavy put a hand on his chin and tried wiping whatever it was off. Scout pointed at Heavy's neck. "Nah third chin down." He broke out into laughter. Heavy set his hand back on his cup.

Heavy finished his coffee and stood up. "Oh man Heavy I thought ya were nevah gonna give that chair a break!" Heavy sighed and sat back down. Scout patted Heavy on the shoulder. "Look Heavy, your fat, I didn't wanna sugarcoat it cause you might a eatin' it." Scout laughed at his own joke again.

"You know Scout..." You began. He looked at you. "If you ran like your mouth you would be in good shape." He rose a brow. "What did they run out of brains at the douchebag factory? Or was it just muscle that they ran out of?" He scoffed. "I'm still good lookin' unlike Heavy over here." You laughed this time.

"Buddy if I had a face like yours I would sue my parents."

Scout stood up and flipped you the bird. He left with his Bonk! and you looked at Heavy. "How come you didn't say anything?" He looked at you. "A wise man is superior to any insults that can be put upon him, and the best reply to unsemily behavior is patience and moderation." You were shocked. "That is the smartest thing anyone has ever said to me."

"I did not say it." You rose a brow at Heavy. "I quoted it. Mollere is true speaker." You nodded and sipped your coffee. "Still." He looked at you. "I don't believe a word Scout said to you." Heavy sighed. "I believe in what you said to him." Heavy said. "Scout is a stoopid baby man. You are very strong woman." He looked away. "I respect you." His cheeks began to tint a slight pink.

You blushed. "I am not that great but-" He cut you off and looked back at you. "Net. Listen to Heavy. You are most important person on team. Heavy values everything about you." He took your hands in one of his. "I stand for my values. What you said to stand up for me was very appreciated. I must tell you something leetle Y/n..."

"Wh-what is it?" You stuttered. "Heavy values you more than teammate. Let me take you out to dinner. I want to do something for the woman I love." Your face was beet red. "L-love?" He nodded. "I love you too. I have for a really long time now." You smiled and attempted to lace your fingers in his.

You chuckled as his hands were to big for yours. He let out a small chuckle. You looked back at the tall man. He was looking down at your hands. Heavy then looked up at you, making direct eye contact.

He smiled. 

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now