Soldier's Roomate II - Merasmus x Reader

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A requested continuation from - TheShiningEevee

Original reqest was from - LoudPanda121 



It had been a few days since Halloween and you had never heard back from Merasmus. Currently you were getting ready to sleep. You had changed into some comfortable pajamas and hopped onto your bed when a flash of green startled you. Merasmus was in your room and staring down at you. "Merasmus? What the hell? It's 10:46." He clamped a hand over your mouth. "We must talk, but the mercenaries you live with can not know I am here, and yes I know you lied about them moving."

You stood up off your bed and Merasmus removed his hand. "This may feel strange." He said. Merasmus grabbed your hand and you felt warmth spread threw your cheeks. Then your whole body as you and him were encased in green flame.

Next thing you knew you were sitting on one of the fanciest couches. "What's new pussycat?" A man said. Merasmus waved a hand at him in annoyance. "Yes, hello Tom." The man named Tom walked over to you two. It was Tom Jones.

You choked on your breath. "What the hell? Why is Tom Jones here?" Tom Jones smiled down at you. "He's my roommate. Well, my new roommate." Merasmus said. "Tom go somewhere else. I, the great Merasmus, have work to do." Tom Jones nodded. "Is this work going to involve you removing another eyeball? That thing was rude. He ate all of my cereal Merasmus. You know how much I love my cereal."

Merasmus groaned. "No Tom she is keeping her eyeball! Now be gone!" Tom Jones shrugged and left. You chuckled. "Is he a better roommate than Soldier?" Merasmus almost laughed. "Yes! Of course! Anyone would be better than that buffoon."

"Now let's get down to business." Merasmus clapped his hands together and stood up. You followed him. "So am I going to lose an eye?" He shook his head. "No, Y/n, you are not. That happened once and it wasn't my fault." You rose a brow.

"Tavish refused to listen to my simple order of 'do not read the forbidden book.' Then he lost his eye, it became Monoculus, and Tavish now lives as a mercenary cyclops." You looked shocked. "You mean Demoman? His name is Tavish?" He nodded. "Well yes but that is not my point. You are distracting me! Come! Follow me!"

Merasmus began to levitate away and you followed close behind. "So what are we going to do?" He grunted. "You will see once we get there." Merasmus opened a door and walked in. You followed again and looked around the room.

It was a large decorated dining room. In the middle sat a long table with lit candles and place settings. The settings were on the head table seat and the one on the right of it. Merasmus floated over to the chair on the right and pulled it out. "Sit." You walked over and did what he said. He pushed the chair back into place and took a seat next to you.

Merasmus snapped his fingers. A large assortment of food appeared. Steamed green beans, roast beef, and even mashed potatoes with gravy. "Dinner is served." You rose your brows at the food. "Merasmus, it's way past dinner time, but wow."

He smiled at you and set some food on his plate. "Care for a drink?" You nodded. "What do you have?" He chuckled. "Anything and everything mortal." You nodded. "Something simple then. How about wine? You choose the flavor."

Red liquid began to rise from the bottom of your cup. You picked it up and took a sip. "It's great, thanks." He nodded and started to eat. You pilled food onto your plate as well. It was better than anything you had ever tasted.

"This is wonderful! Thank you!" He nodded. "Merasmus what does this have to do with an experiment though?" You asked, reflecting on your last encounter. He stiffened and a blush was dusting his cheeks. "It... uhm."

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