Closing - A/N

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I'm just here to say that as of now I have no interest in furthering my book. It's nothing against you all, I just don't go on Wattpad much any more. Writing used to be something I quite enjoyed but as I continued it seemed all people wanted was dirtier and dirtier fics. I never really like writing ones that lead to, the dirty, but I didn't mind writing ones with heavy make out scenes or something. 

My stories sometimes dealt with heavy or mature scenes but when I started writing this I wasn't as mature as I am now so they are written pretty bad and not handled as well as they should be. I can see my growth throughout my book, more detail, trying to stay more gender neutral, and stuff like that. There was just something I didn't enjoy as I kept going. 

Most of it really has to do with the fact that these aren't my characters. Each y/n was written to be different personalities of people to have more of a relation. One y/n might be more shy, one might wear shorter shorts than a different one, one might even be a confident chick. Even though I play Tf2 and the mercenaries are some awesome dudes, they have their own personalites, and I didn't do very well showing off each of them. They were really my own interpretation of what I think they should be, not what they actually are. 

I don't know. I just lost the passion for writing this as people kept requesting dirty things. It's always awkward trying to write a fic that you know leads to doing the dirty, but still trying to keep it appropriate. I also didn't really know how to say no to people when I didn't want to write their fics. Some of the ideas were to out there, some made me uncomfortable, some I just didn't want to write because I didn't really like what they were asking me to do. There are chapters of this book that I don't like, that if they weren't requested, I would probably have never written them. However there are also some chapters I do like. I think my most recent Medic one that had two parts was really good. I think my emotional chapters were good and I did enjoy writing my male reader chapters.

I just stopped writing for me. Quite frankly that's what made me lose interest as well. It felt more like a chore or a job that I needed to do. It wasn't really a hobby any more. You have a lot of pressure trying to appeal to an audience that you've never even met. There are also so many of you, I can't keep up with it all. Most of my readers are absolutely lovely people. However there are some of you who decide to show your displeasure in my comments about my works. Quite frankly I appriciate critism, that is actually useful. I don't need to hear hate comments or that you're mad because I didn't follow the time period. Which was something I didn't really mess with mostly, but I'd mention movies or music or something recent, and I'd have people hounding me. Listen, I'm tried to make this relatable for everyone. So I'm not going to follow every single rule. This is literally an x reader oneshot fanfiction. Not a fricken novel.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not going to be continuing this book for a long long time, maybe not ever. This isn't a goodbye to Wattpad, I'm not leaving. I'll still pop by to read and respond to comments, or answer questions, and all that jazz. 

Thank you for following me throughout my wild journey on this website, it was a pretty fun ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now