Showers - Medic x Reader

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No I'm sorry this is not a smut shower scene. Just a shower chapter.


You were used to the men. Used to the jokes, the actions, exetera. What you were not used to was the showering. That's right. One big room filled with showers. No dividers. No nothing. Just water faucets, nine naked men, and one woman. You.

Usually it did not bother you when you showered in there. Mainly because no one said anything to you while in the shower. Even Scout kept his distance. You didn't know if it was just a respect thing or what but either way you could learn to live with it.


One faithful day in the showers. You had arrived earlier than normal days. You had yourself wrapped in a towel. Your bottles of soap were already at the shower you normally used. Based on the time it was you expected Sniper or Spy to be in there. They prefer to shower very early in the morning. Heavy, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, and Engineer usually came in after. Scout was always last as he was a late sleeper. All of them had been in the showers.

Except Medic.

You never really knew when he showered. You knew he did as he smelt wonderful every day. The scent of man shampoo always lingered in his hair when you stood by him. You couldn't help but take in the scents as he was the man you were crushing on.

Back to you in the showers. You set the towel aside and started the water. It was the perfect temperature for you and you began to apply your face wash. With a quick rinse you picked up the bottle of body wash. Then you heard the shower door open. "Gut morgen Frau." (Good morning) Medic said. You looked over at him and almost dropped your bottle.

He had a towel wrapped around his waist. It was lower then it should have been as you could see some black hair in his lower area. Medic had a perfectly shaped abdomen matched with a muscular chest. It was sprinkled with black silky chest hair. His arms could barely contain his bulging biceps and broad shoulders. He must have noticed you staring at him because he rose a brow. "Frau?"

He placed a hand on his towel and hooked a thumb inside of it. You snapped out of your trance. "Oh, uh, g-good morning to you too Medic." Your face was turning a rosy pink as you focused back on your showering. Medic walked to a shower a few down from yours. He removed his towel and set it on the floor followed by his glasses. Medic started the water and began to wet his hair.

You tried hard not to stare at the man instead you would take quick glances. He did not take notice at first but he started to. You began to finnish up your shower and only had to get conditioner. You started to reach down and grab it but slipped.

You fell onto your back and felt the pain immediately start. Medic turned from the thud and he gasped. "Frau! Are jou ok?" He quickly shut off the water to his shower, grabbed his towel, and ran over.

You groaned and put up your hand to shield your eyes from the water. Medic wrapped the towel around his waist and turned off your water. Medic looked down at you but began to blush. He grabbed your towel and handed it to you.

You sat up and pulled the towel to your chest. It covered the front of your body but your back was left bare. "Frau, jou did not answer me. Are jou ok?" You nodded. "Yeah it just hurts."

"Here, let me help jou." Medic slid his hands under your arms and lifted you up. You gained your balance and turned towards him. You wrapped your towel around yourself. Your knee hurt really bad and you looked down at it. The knee was a purple and blue color and it was hurting badly. You looked back at Medic. "Do you have time for one patient?"

"Ja come wiz me." He smiled and placed a hand on your back. You two began to walk away but your knee gave out slightly. You quickly grabbed Medic while you fell ending up with your arms around his waist. "Oh my Frau, jou hurt badly don't jou?"

You nodded and stood back up, your facing beet red. Medic rose a brow. "Frau jou must have a fever, jour face is very red." He stopped walking and turned to look at you. He raised a hand. "Let me check." You shook your head. "Medic I-I don't have a fever."

"Ja jou do, jour face is incredibly red." He reached his hand closer but you grabbed his wrist. "Medic I'm fine." He grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him. He softly but swiftly grabbed your cheeks and pressed his lips to your forehead. "M-M-Medic!?"

He pulled back smiling. "Jou have a fever I vas right." You laughed. "No I don't you idiot! I'm blushing obviously!" He smiled. "I still got to kiss jou." You smirked. "You could have just asked."

You pressed your lips to his.

He was now turning red but gratefully kissed back. You had to stand on your toes in order to do so from his height. You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled in the kiss. Medic slid his hands to your waist.

You pulled back for breath and looked at his smiling face. It was suddenly filled with mischief as he bent down. Medic picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. He had his arm on the back of your knees to anchor you down. "Medic? What are you doing?"

"Jou can not valk. I vill help jou get to my lab." He said and began to walk out. "My clothing Medic." He looked at you and smirked.

"Jou von't need it."

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now