Help - Protective!Soldier x Reader

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You were backed up against a wall. A Scout holding his bat, a Demoman with his sticky bombs, and a Pyro with his flame thrower were closing in towards you. You had two hand guns pointed at the Pyro and the Demoman. If you planned it right you would be able to shoot both in the head then take out the Scout.

They continued to close in and the Demoman raised his gun. Swiftly he shot two bombs. You then shot after that but a rocket came out of nowhere and landed on the Scout, blowing up all three. The sticky bombs never went off but you moved away regardless. Soldier ran over to you.

"Cupcake! Are you alright? Are you hurt? Do I need Medic?" You shoved him slightly. "No I'm fine. Come on lets go. The point needs defending." He nodded and ran off. You followed behind him until he rocket jumped away.

You continued to run to the point but then started to feel a lot of pain. A Heavy had began to shoot but only hit you a couple times in the leg. You screeched slightly and began to crawl away. You took out your main gun and was getting ready to shoot when the Heavy exploded. Two rockets had hit him. Your leg bled out violently as you called for Medic. He was busy ubercharging a Heavy to hear you.

Soldier had ran over. "I knew I shouldn't have left you alone!" He said. Soldier picked you up and began to run. "God damn it Cupcake..." He ran to a health kit and set you down on it. Your wounds healed and the bullets fell out of your body. Always a weird thing to watch.

You looked back up at Soldier. "I'm fine Soldier... Now go!" He waited for you to stand up before he took off running again. You followed once more but he did not rocket jump away. He ran with you to the point and both of you stood on it.

A spy cloaked near you and you informed Soldier of that. He went back to back with you as both of you fended off other enemies. You took a few shots but none that did to much damage. Your teams Medic came running up to you. "Need healing?" He asked. "Yeah I could use-"

"SPY!" Soldier hit the Medic over the head with a shovel, then shot him a few times with his shotgun. The 'Medic' fell to the floor as a Spy. Dead. You looked at Soldier. "Thanks Soldier." Then you went back to shooting others.

Finally the Administrator stated over the speaker that your team had won. The other team grumbled and walked away. You took out your melee weapon and started messing around with it. You spun it a few times, threw it upward and caught it, you even acted like you were hitting an opposing team member with it.

You stayed outside for a while and your team went inside the base. You continued to fake attack the air. The air stood no chance, but a rock did. You tripped on one and fell on your ass. You frowned, stood up, and kicked the rock away. You dusted yourself off and looked for your weapon.

It was laying a few feet away from you. You began your walk over to it but stopped short seeing someone charging at you. It was Soldier. He probably saw you fall and was now freaking out about it. His hand shot up and started waving up and down. You rolled your eyes but waved back.

He shook his head and yelled something at you. You couldn't hear him. "What?" You called back. He yelled again but you still couldn't hear him. You pointed at your ear. "I can't hear you." You called back.

Soldier was now around thirty feet from you. He looked different. His coat looked baggy and he did not have his belt on. He took a big breath and yelled as loud as he could muster.


Before you could, he tackled you down with a force that made you grunt. Soldier and you rolled a bit but he was on top of you. He was shielding your body with his, in a plank like position. Rockets and missiles started landing around you two. Bombs and grenades even.

Soldier's helmet had a big crack down it. His eyes were squeezed shut and he had blood dripping out of his mouth, onto you. His nose looked broken as it also was covered in dry blood. His coat was torn up in the back causing it to fall all around you.

Explosions continued to happen around you two before they suddenly ceased. Soldier had been shielding you head with his arms, as they were on each side of your head. A grenade had made the last explosion, it caused a rock to hit Soldier's leg. It made a deep gash in the leg. Soldier grimaced but made no noise.

You looked at him fearfully. "What was that about?!" You asked. He opened his eyes, at least one of them, the crack only let you see one. "The Demoman and Soldier of the other team jumped me. The maggots then ran in their base and started firing at me. So I ran. Then I saw you and panicked and here we are."

"We need to get you to Medic." He huffed out some air. "You too Cupcake." That was true. A lot of smaller debris had hit your arms, causing a lot of small cuts to start bleeding. You chuckled. "Yeah I know. I'm more focused on getting you there though. Let's go." He hesitantly rolled off of you.

Soldier staggered upward and held out a hand to you. You grabbed it and he helped you up. You took his arm and wrapped it around your shoulder. "What are you-" You cut him off. "No stop. You have been helping me all day. It's my turn. I'm getting you to the base." He nodded and started limping with you. His leg bled out pretty bad.

Heavy and Medic came charging out. Medic healing Heavy. They stopped at the sight of you two. "What happened to loud man?" Heavy asked. Medic gasped and ran over. He began to heal Soldier with the medigun. "Ve heard zhe explosions and zhe ozhers are to tired to come out." Medic said.

"Soldier got attacked by two douchebags on the other team. They ran into their base then started firing at him, then me." Medic shook his head. "Zhe administrator vill not like zhis." Soldier's clothing started to mend. Heavy cracked his knuckles.

"Let us go find des babies." Medic shook his head again. "Nein, ve cannot go in zheir base unless allowed... Ve can get in trouble vis zhe Administrator if ve do." Heavy nodded. "Fine." Medic began to heal your small cuts.

"Medic I'm fine." He ignored you. Once your cuts were healed everyone began to head into the base. You walked next to Soldier while the others were ahead. You nudged him. "Thank you for saving me, again."

He grunted out something. You rose a brow. "What?" His cheeks tinted a pink which shocked you. "I had too." He said. "I didn't want anything to happen to you..." Your cheeks tinted a pink. "Soldier I would have been fine."

"No." He stated. "Hurting someone else's property is vandalism." Your cheeks flushed. "P-property?" You asked him. He nodded. "You belong to me. I protect my treasure. Especially the valuable ones." He wasn't yelling for once. Soldier was staring straight forward the whole time.

You rubbed your arm. "Your important to me too. More important than anything." You said. He turned to you swiftly and pecked your cheek. Your face burned red and he smirked. You retorted by grabbing his face and smashing his lips onto yours.

He stopped dead in his tracks and fumbled with his feet. His face deepened into a crimson but he wrapped his arms around you. Soldier stood up with you in his arms. He was pretty much holding you as your feet were pointed but not touching the ground.

He broke off the kiss and continued to hold onto you. You smiled at him. "You can put me down now." You said. He shrugged. "I don't think so." You rose a brow. "Why not?" He smiled.

"This ground is to dirty for a treasure like yourself."

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now