22 May, 2018.

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So today was a handful.

I woke up at 7 and I curse myself for it. I think what's happening with me is that I don't know what to do after getting up at 6 (except, maybe help mom or something) so it can kind of feel alright if I get up late.

So let's make a schedule, yeah?

After waking up, I will do my daily chores and read some online news till 7:00 or if mom needs help, I'll do it after that. And then I'll exercise for about 10 mins (which is when I'll swtich on the shower heater) and then go have a bath and get ready for work. If I get ready early, I think I'll give myself some leeway to go do whatever I want.

I shall start implementing this from tomorrow. Let's see if this helps.

Anyways, today at office, I kind of felt left alone. Boss R is not in town and I can't expect Boss H to take all calls. Boss Y doesn't really know much about what I'm working on, Kristen has her own work to handle and then there is Boss I. The thing with her is that she isn't taking a call on anything. She has doubts on a couple of things and she's always pushing me to take action according to what Boss R tells me. And Boss R has said that I should get all my doubts clarified from Kristen and Kristen can't come to Boss R. if Kristen vaguely solves/ignores Boss I's questions (who is obviously higher in the work hierarchy than Kristen) then I have to coordinate with each person and then again they have doubts and then the cycle repeats.

Kristen told me that Boss I is playing really safe. Everything going on now is really unclear since it's the first time they're adopting this system. If anything goes wrong, she doesn't want to take the blame. So then in that case, I'll wait to see if I make a blunder and then let them decide what to do, what other option do I have?

And now the fuck up is that Boss Y wants me to work with Kristen and the new intern (college classmates' sister) on his product that will end up with me working at home. There is so much ideation that needs to go down and I don't think I'll be able to handle it. For the first two days, my parents were disappointed with me for working at home and now that will happen again. Even I myself don't want to work at home but if others are willing to put that much effort, I don't know man what I should do. I want to contribute as much as I can to this organisation since I'm only here for two months. But I don't want to over work myself too much. I want to have a healthy lifestyle.

I'm getting quite stressed about this. Now I shall sit and wait for my skin to breakout. Great.

In other news, they installed a TV in the office to support the CCTV cameras that had already been installed. And I heard the HR fire the hell out of an ex employee who had apparently left the organisation without proper notice. I also heard the HR debate with two employees regarding the tampering they had done with the petty cash book. On our way back from our daily walk post lunch (which I think I'm going to stop going for) we visited the canteen and umm... it wasn't that great. Still, we've decided to go there next week so we'll see if the food is as disappointing as the ambience.

My homework for today was to go through and understand a 118 page document which included a detailed study of a rival website. Kristen had taken the pains to make all of this and I'm in awe. HOW?! I started at 8:30PM and ended only at 1AM (with a dinner break in the middle for about 45 mins).

Please give me all the strength.

An Outlet: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now