18 April, 2018.

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Today I spent the entire day preparing for my interview. Non stop.

First of all, I scouted my study drawers and cabinet for all the notebooks I've filled since I began studying in my new/senior college. I feel really proud of myself for actually preserving them and bothering to number all the books so that I don't get confused. I still had to do a bit of segregation but it didn't take much of my time.

The reason why all my books were out was because I had called my Finance Professor at college for advice and she told me to be thorough with everything that we've done in college cause the interviewer will interrogate me based on what I say I've learnt. Or just basically whatever I tell him/her.

So I made a list of everything that we've learnt throughout the last two years, spent my entire day revising everything- my class notes, my sums, my project notes, my project reports, everything. I'm probably taking this way too seriously for someone who says that they're okay with whatever the results are, but hey, it's my first interview (except if you consider my interview for my current college which you really cannot compare to this) and I want to do as much as I can for it. There is still a really high chance that I'll bomb my interview and won't get the internship but atleast I won't be guilty of not trying. 

In the evening I printed my CV and got my file of certificates ready. I even selected my outfit for the interview. 

Oh, an interesting story about confirming the place of the interview. So until yesterday, I thought the interview will take place on my college campus. I mean, my college got me the interview and I've never been to one before so I assumed that it was just like the 'campus placements' that I'd heard of before. Just to confirm, I messaged the professor incharge and she just told me to call the company instead. 

Wut? So first of all she informed us about the internship opportunity and fixed our interviews timings but she expects us to know the place of the internship when she herself doesn't know where it will be held. Great. And then she tells me to ask the company who is offering the internship when it's her job to that. Who does that? 

Anyway, since it was late, I couldn't call the company yesterday but I did call them today morning. There was just one number on the E-mail so I decided to call on it. And it seems like I called the person who will be taking my interview. So this is how the phone conversation went.

Me: Hello is this *company name*?

Her: Yes

Me: I wanted to enquire about an internship. Is this the correct place?

Her: *slight hesitation* yes tell me.

Me: I'm a student at *my college name*...

Her: Ah, yes we're meeting tomorrow.

Me: *a deer caught in headlights* Umm.. yes I wanted to know the exact location of the interview.

Her: I'll give you the reception's number, you can ask her for the same. 

Me: Okay thank you.


I don't know what kind of impression I've made on her at this point.

I called on the number she gave me and the number on their website three times in total (over a span of 4 hours) and all three times, the other person cut my call. At one time the person picked my call just to cut it even before I could say hello. Strange.

At around 3:30PM, I get a call from the first person I called (most probably my interviewer) and she told me that she heard how I've been unsuccessfully trying to get through to the receptionist and eventually gave me a landmark to identify. The landmark was all I needed to confirm. 

I don't know what they think of me at this point but I think it was my duty as a responsible applicant to confirm the place of the interview once. 

On a not-so-good note, it's my paternal grandmother's 2nd death anniversary today and my parents were to be at dad's brother's house in the evening. Since my dad left for work before I woke up, I only saw him once he came back in the evening. He seemed alright. I kind of expected him to be a bit spaced out and not in a mood to solve our doubts (about basic things in life) but he actively took part in my brother's college complaints and gave me advice for tomorrow. That's good.

An Outlet: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now