21 April, 2018.

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I didn't get the internship.

In the morning, I got a message from my classmate/ fellow candidate for the internship, asking me whether I got selected. I hadn't received any sort of communication stating either. He, on the other hand, did. 

Ofcourse I feel quite bad. I did have hopes of getting selected but alas. I would really like to know what could I have improved on or what I said or did would have made them select me. But there isn't any way to know that. You just have to guess.

If I have to guess the reason why I didn't get selected, I'd say it was because I had no previous work experience. I've never done any internship in my life. In my interview, I stressed on the fact that I want to pursue Finance and the job profile leaned towards Management. Another reason could be that I did not have practice with Excel and the job needed someone who was well versed with the software. Also, maybe my classmate was ready to join right away but my priorities at the moment are my upcoming finals. Or he just seemed more promising than I did. This is all that I can think of. 

I found my life objective in a text book- 'A sound mental attitude which results in free from undue anxiety and the courage to face life.'

The link to choose our majors and minors for next year opened today and I still had to decide my minor (Finance major for sure). My college had sent us an extensive PPT giving detailed description about the various topics that will be covered in the majors and minors along with the career scope so that we all can make an informed choice.

So I spent my afternoon studying the entire PPT cause I want to be very particular about what I choose. It should be interesting, help my in the career path that I want to follow and also manageable. I wouldn't want to unnecessarily burden myself. We had an option to choose from:
-> Liberal Arts
-> A Digital Course
-> A topic from one of the remaining four Majors that I haven't opted for

After thorough deliberation, I decided to take a digital minor this semester cause I found the minor topics for the next semester more interesting and we compulsory had to take up a digital minor in either of the sems.

In the evening I just causally decided to look up on what BTS is up to (not a YouTube video. Just a Google search. My detox is still on.) AND I CAME TO KNOW THAT THEY'RE RELEASING A NEW ALBUMMMMMMM!

It's called 'Love Yourself- Tear'. I have seen/read so many theories ever since the Euphoria video came out and I was really tempted to do some more digging now that the new album news is out but I controlled myself. Ahhhh I really wanted to be a part of their Korean Album release starting from the official announcementtttt! 

Nonetheless, all I know about the album right now is that it's coming out on 18th May, 2018 and I shall be patient enough to wait for my finals to get done (which is on the 10th of May) to discover every detail about the album.

An Outlet: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now