15 April, 2018.

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Today, for the first time I felt stressed about my upcoming exams. Yes, I was worried about it after getting my prelim marks but you know the kind of anxiety you get when there are exams nearby and you feel like you know nothing? That's what I felt today.

And since I was stressed, my mind naturally reminded me of all the the things that I had left incomplete this past year, be it not recieving my official certificate for the volunteering work I did in Dec, Jan, Feb and March, or not informing my new club mentor the details of the club that Ms. Paula had told me to send, etc.

Normally, I would have thought about and get stressed over the amount of procrastination I had partaken in but procrastinated even more nonetheless. But this time I felt like immediately working on relieving my stress points. What a change.

I've sent a message regarding my certificate and I spent the entire evening collating a document with all my club details for my (club's) new mentor. And I feel good.

I even messaged Ms. Paula since I didn't get to meet her along with Kristen and Paul. Alex made me feel bad for not going for the dinner considering I was her 'star student' and so I felt the need to atleast keep in touch with her. Afterall, she's done quite a bit for me and has really been an excellent mentor.

On the studies front, I had decided to write an (open book) paper for each subject just to get an idea of how long my answers should be and to get a bit into the habit of writing a long ass paper. I started with Eco -which is the lenghtiest paper I've ever had to write- and I gave up less than half way through. The answers are frickin' huge and I felt like I was kind of wasting my time in writing when I wasn't even done studying the entire portion.

I then studied a bit of Law, cause I realised I had only completed 2 out of 24 chapters before my above said guilt attack began.

To look at another positive side for today, my grandad came to visit us today. Its the first time he's done that since his surgery last month. The last time I went to meet him was on 2nd April, right after my last prelim paper. So we were really surprised when we heard his iconic three bells. He's always been living the daily walking life and he missed it. I'm really happy for him.

BTS detox day 3 complete. Ahhhh.

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