28 April, 2018 - NM #7

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Nostalgic Manuscript #7

I came across a list that I'd apparently made when I was 17. It's a 'to do list after turning 18'. Its safe to say, I haven't done most of it. Not proud.

-> Renew Passport - Done during Diwali vacations'17

-> Transfer Bank Account Authority - I think dad did this

-> Voting Cards - Dad did it. I even voted!

-> D-MAT Account - Nope

-> Driver's License - Done but of no use. I can't drive.

-> Aadhar Card/ Ration Card - I don't remember

-> Credit Card/ Debit Card - Credit card not done. Debit card done but I don't use it

-> Insurance- Nope

-> Visa - Nope

-> Changing Names in Investment - Nope

-> Trading Account (Shares) - Nope

-> Mutual Funds - I'll do it this summer vacations, I swear!

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