6 June, 2018.

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Today was a fairly good day at work. Except my health wasn't in the best shape.

I woke up sick but decided to go for work because I had quite a lot of work to do and I couldn't afford to leave it for even a day.

I met Kristen at the station and went to office. I emailed stuff, and got four illustrator documents ready and got them corrected from Boss H.

Boss Y came towards my desk at one point while Boss H was solving my doubts. Without thinking about the audience around him, Boss H asked Boss Y to fix his hair cause he looks like he just fucked someone. I was looking at my computer but I could still feel both of their gaze on me to check if I had heard anything. Of course I had heard it but I pretended otherwise. Who wants to get into awkward situations like this? Definitely not me.

I'm kind of okay with sexual jokes thrown around here and there but since I've not been friends with too many guys in my life, I haven't had such conversations with the opposite gender (boi I don't even discuss this with some of my female friends). So I'm not really that comfortable when it comes to these jokes, especially when it's someone from work.

Anyways, I had three interviews today. The first one came in around 11:30AM and Boss H was not available. After waiting for quite some time, I decided to take the interview on my own. This was my first face to face interview and I was bound to fuck up.

Yes, I fucked up.

Everything was going smoothly in the beginning. I asked her about herself, explained our product to her, told her what the project is, all of that. When it came to signing the NDA, most of the people had singed it without much questioning. But this lady suddenly asked me about rates even before I could give a detailed explanation of what her job will be. That's when I got flustered.

Since we started corresponding with illustrators a couple of days ago, the per page rate was stuck in my mind and I quoted the price per book as price per page! How the fuck could I do that?! Thankfully, Boss R had come in the meeting somewhere in the middle and he intervened and corrected me. Ultimately we couldn't get the woman on board with the project. If Boss R wasn't there I would have struck an extremely expensive deal and that would not have been cool.

I do tend to be too hard on myself when I mess up. I felt really disheartened after the meeting. I stayed in the room for about 10 mins trying to calm myself down. Boss R and Boss H realised that and kept saying "it's alright, happens". But I know they were pissed off with me.

That's the only not-so-great thing that happened today. But after the meeting, I got 8 other things done by the end of the day.

I left office by 6:30PM (Even though I planned to leave at 6PM). But I reached home early as compared to the last two days so that's cool.

Kristen told me that Boss R will teach her Finance and I could join too. But all of that will happen after work hours and I'll have to take the homework home. I was in two minds about it. At one side, I really want to learn Finance and I'll finally get a chance to do that. On the other hand, I already come home quite late and this extra time and work would mean I would come home really late and I would have no life even after coming home.

I spoke to mom about it after coming home and she immediately asked me not to go ahead with it. She told me that in doing so, I will be exerting myself too much and that I can learn Finance later on as well. Fair enough.

It's the end of the day and I feel better than I did last night and the night before that. Which is good, right?

An Outlet: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now