23 April, 2018.

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I've been trying to take proper care of my skin lately but it's not working out. And not because I'm not trying hard enough.

I've been regularly following my nightly CTM routine, washing myself up well and drinking tons of water. But even after over a week, I find myself breaking out and my skin is worse than what it was before I actively starting taking care of it. I don't know if the products I'm using are not effective for my skin type or there is any food item that I'm consuming that's causing my skin to break out but I really don't know what to do to first eradicate these pimples and then prevent them from coming back.

My dad has been shocked by the roughness on my face and seems seriously concerned. He's asked me get my mom to get my skin checked but my mom doesn't know anyone who can help me and is, frankly, not trying much to get that information too. I'll look for a good dermatologist or someone once my exams get over. For now, I'll continue what I've been doing the past couple of days and wait until my skin 'miraculously' clears up.

Today, after a really long time, I got mildly stressed about the upcoming exams. I was studying Commerce, a subject that I hadn't even touched after the prelims and I found it quite a task to get through the product planning and control chapters. Commerce is supposed to go like a breeze for me to get done with my entire portion and start my revision but now this happens.

To cool things off, I went for a night walk with Alex and then moved on to the next section of the subject, which is, interestingly, finance chapters! I love Finance so I got my confidence back after going through one of those chapters. Yay!

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