9 June, 2018.

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I took my first ever work leave today. And let me tell you it feels really great.

I know I only work for half the day on Saturdays and that my pay will get cut, but it's worth it.

We left home at around 7:45AM and we're off to our second home in the countryside. We had breakfast at our (now) usual breakfast spot (here we get home-like breakfast) and I started a conversation with an elderly salesman there. There was some sort of exhibition and I wanted to know more about it. Turns out, the restaurant is just a part of this whole psycological resthouse right next to it. The place offers various courses on training the mind-  healing, peacefulness, curing of ailments- and it seems pretty interesting. We didn't end up going to the exhibition but it was good to know about it.

We reached the place around 11:30AM. My mom and grandad promptly started cleaning the house and the balcony. We hadn't visited the place after January thus causing all the dust to settle all over the house. The balcony was in a worse condition. Apparently, the last time we were here, someone had mistakenly blocked the drain on the terrace and all the dirty rainwater was now accumulated on the balcony. I swear my grandad made it his life's mission to get the balcony to its normal state. Alex helped grandad get buckets of water for the deed.

Dad and I were, however, in no mood to do any kind of cleaning. We instead took the job of deciding the lunch menu and then went out to get the necessary food (supplies). Grandad and mom had some breakfast items, Dad and Alex had chicken sausage sandwiches (after 2 cans of beers) and I cooked myself some instant mushroom favoured pasta.

After lunch, I would have ideally slept but I remembered that Marissa had given me a site to download Korean songs from and I spent almost whole of my afternoon downloading songs, listening to them and watching other YouTube videos.

Towards evening time, when my battery was almost about to die, I decided to read the book that I had got with me. The book is called Animal Farm and is written by Goerge Orwell. I know it's quite a popular book and can even be considered as a classic but I have never read it before. One of my friends gifted it to me for my birthday and I never got around to read it after that.

So I read a couple of chapters and then at around 7PM, after playing some card games, got the urge of climbing the nearby hill to the giant statue on top. I dragged Alex along with me even though he did not seem to be in the mood for it. We were almost about to leave without going up (3 times in total) but we eventually went up. The weather was really cool so it felt great! My stamina has gotten poor but I could walk uphill and down without any major breaks so that's good.

Alex and I then directly went to our relatives' place in our compound cause mom, dad and grandad were already there. We had snacks and spoke until 9PM, left from their bungalow, walked towards our building, sat in the car and directly went off for dinner. We went to our go-to hotel and had some Chinese food.

After coming back, dad, Alex and I walked around our compound building four about 4 rounds, taking in the cool breeze and then heading home. We sat in our balcony and spoke for a while. I then made my own floor bed (I later got to know that I was sleeping on the actual bed with grandad while Alex was sleeping down, so technically I made Alex's floor bed).

I was out of the house for so long today and doing something other than work for once. I was enjoying nature and the lovely weather and because of all that, my body is really tired and I need rest.

Two of my cousins (Parker and Scarlett) are coming over tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it.

An Outlet: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now