13 May, 2018.

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I was supposed to get up at 6AM but I got up at 8:30. Argh.

I did learn how to make a thick porridge made from semolina tho. And it's pretty quick to make, unlike what I made yesterday. And I like the dish so that's a plus.

After breakfast and a little Internet news, I did some more house chores.

In the afternoon, I finally counted how much money I have. I have been trying to keep myself organised, moneywise, for months now. I try to count my money every month and also try to record all my expenses. I haven't been successful in the latter at all. And even though I don't remember/ feel lazy to do the first thing and keep a record only after 4-5 months, I atleast have a record of how much money I had at one point of time and whether that money has increased or decreased in the subsequent months.

I watched a couple of videos till evening after. In the evening, my mom and I met her sister and sister's husband near our house where they picked my mom up, after giving me some seafood to bring back home. They were going for a religious meet in my neighborhood.

I visited my grandfather immediately after that. Its about a half an hour walk from my place to his. I called him up, on my way, to let him know that I'm coming over so that he doesn't go for his evening walk like he always does. He sounded very happy to hear that. He seems very lively nowadays which is great!

So he lives with my dad's brother and his family and they have two flats, one on the ground floor and the other one the first floor. My grandad and the kids in the family occupy the rooms below, while the main living room and kitchen is on the upper floor. As usual, I went up to his bedroom window to greet him. He told me to go meet the others on the top floor first and then come back. So that's what I did. I met my dad's brother, brother's wife and my cousin. They were surprised to see me come alone cause I normally come with the entire family and even then, I don't partake much in conversations.

My cousin brother (who lives in a abother city because of his college) video called at one point and I spoke to him too. Dad's brother called me 'VIP visitor' twice which cracked me up.

After quite sometime in went back to meet my grandad. He was about to come up because I was gone for too long. His phone had apparently started acting weird so dad had given me Alex's first ever phone (it's looks so tiny now! Even Alex was so surprised to know that he literally used a phone of that size for about 2 years). This was a touch phone and my grandad currently has a dialpad phone. I tried to teach him how to operate a touch phone but he didn't seem very comfortable with it. We later tested his current phone and learnt that it was working properly so buh-bye new phone.

Grandad, cousin sister and I had a conversation about his health and his way to cope up with any aches. He showed me a exercise chart that he follows whenever he has any specific body pain. He then spoke about how much he used to walk when he was younger. And I have no doubt that he used to do because a: He early exaggerates and b: The man is 86 years old and he still goes for walks every morning and evening!

Infact, he accompanied me halfway on my way home. I think it was also because it was dark by the time I left their house and their neighbourhood isn't all that friendly.

I spoke to dad about my lovely grandad and he told me that my grandad really likes it when we come to visit him or just keep in touch with him by calling him up regularly. If it makes him so happy, I'll do this frequently.

My mom, her sister and sister's husband came home around dinner time. They fed us an unsual dessert that my cousin brother (who is a chef at a famous 5 star hotel)  had made for us. It smelt fishy (pun intended) but the taste wasn't that bad. Later on they told us that we had just eaten Charan mushi which is a Japanese egg custard. And it contained prawns. I would have been weirded out but wasn't.

Mom's sister and sister's husband have just left and I'm hoping that I get up at 6 tomorrow.

An Outlet: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now