17 June, 2018 - Kristen's Treat

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Today was a great day!

Kristen's birthday was on 5th June but due to our office timings, we couldn't go anywhere on the weekdays. And since Kristen loves me so much, she kept her treat this week end. Hehehe

Sadly, Alex and Venus weren't able to come because of their summer training and competitive exams respectively.

I woke up at 10 in the morning (felt great!) and after completing my daily morning chores, finally got the ladder out to find some board games that I could take to the treat. Kristen usually is not that fond of clichéd celebrations for her birthdays so she always looks for a way to switch it up.

Last year, she had taken us to Clue Hunt, a treasure hunt sort of gaming room, and this year she planned to make a lunch + board games day. The only flaw in her plan was that she didn't have any board games. She has asked me to look for some at my place and I had been too lazy to find them. But now here I am, just minutes before I should be leaving for the treat, trying to look for any board games stocked in our ceiling shelving unit.

And guess what, I found approximately 8 of them. I didn't even know we had these many board games at home. Most of them were still packed tho, we had never played them even once. I think those were kept to become gifts for someone else but that plan didn't materialise. I decided to leave the fully packed board games, since I know I'm not going to play them after today so it makes no sense to break the packaging just for a day. Which left me with only two games, Mikado and Business.

Now Mikado's box is quite small and it could fit in my bag but Business wouldn't have. It was raining heavily in the morning so I called Kristen to confirm whether the plan was on and if yes, then to ask if it was absolutely necessary for me to bring the Business game. She right away told me that the plan is on but was a little skeptical with the latter question.

When I learnt that I was the only one who had an actual board game (Kristen was getting cards and Uno and Paul.. well.. he kinda had an impromptu sleepover at a friend's place yesterday and was coming directly from there... so that idiot wasn't going to get anything (including Kristen's gift)) I decided to bring it with me and figure out a way to carry the game without getting it wet in the rain.

I left for the place and as expected, the trains were running late for a good 10 mins. I met Kristen at her station and felt really happy. I see the woman everyday but there's a different feeling when you meet someone in a non-work environment. She looked really pretty.

We then went to our desired station and called Paul up to decide whether to wait for him at the station or move ahead to the destination (a cafe). Eventually, we chose the latter.

We decided to walk the entire way from the station to the cafe while it drizzled. It was a satisfying walk tho (apart from the moment where a crow bumped into Kristen's head...hahahahah)

We reached the cafe, called the Flea Bazaar Cafe and it was lit! Both figuratively and in reality! It was definitely a youth hang out place cause it was loud af! So the concept of this restaurant (or group of restaurants) is to make it look like a flea market where there are a lot of tables (and a bar area which was the exact centre of the entire place) in the middle and they are surrounded by various permanent food stalls of different cuisines. Kind of like a food court but waaaay cooler.

The interiors and lighting were BOMB! I'll post one picture here to give the faintest of hints:

The interiors and lighting were BOMB! I'll post one picture here to give the faintest of hints:

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