17 April, 2018.

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I continued my sudden streak of non procrastination today and I'm surprised.

First of all, I got a reply from all three messages that I sent before and I felt oddly.... accomplished?

But today, I have the right to feel proud of myself for I finally signed up for an internship interview.

Last year, I kept passing on every internship opportunity that came my way. My inhibitions and my (very recognised (sarcastic)) club work kept me from even thinking about them. The only 'internship' that I did take, turned out to be a not-so-productive volunteering job (not even an internship) whose certificate I'm still waiting on. Meanwhile, my friends now already have an internship experience on their CV. Two of them even got paid for it (I'm looking at you Kristen).

This year, I'm planning to put full focus on my career and personal health. Ofcourse I get carried away more often than not, but there are times like this week when I'm the most serious and impulsive I can get.

Today morning, at about 10:30AM I learnt about a Finance internship opportunity that my college had arranged for. I'd been waiting for a Finance one for a long time. I quickly forwarded the message to my dad, expressed my concerns of not quite having much knowledge about what was mentioned in the job description, got his advice ("You'll learn it on the job. Just go for it.") and submitted my CV all in a matter of just 15 mins.

At around 1:30 PM, I got to know that my classmate and I were shortlisted for the internship (if I know how my college works, we two were probably the only ones who applied) and that our interviews are to be held on Thursday.

I would wait for about 15 days thinking over whether I should even apply for a particular internship but now I am scheduled to have my first ever interview for my first ever internship experience two days from today at 10:20 AM. All this in a matter of few hours.


I used to dread the word 'interview' before. No wait, I still do. But today, unlike usual, my brain like "What's the worst that can happen? You won't do well in the interview and won't get the job". STRANGE.

But now that I have an interview to go to, I need to prepare myself. The company offering the interview is well known.

My mom's sister (aka Amanda's mother) and her husband came to visit us in the afternoon. She told me all about the not-so-good rental life that Amanda has been living. She went on to call her 'depressed' which concerns me a lot. For some reason, Amanda has never been able to make real friends who stick around, be it in school, junior college and now in senior college. Her current roommate, who looked like a promising friend last year is the latest person to abandon her. 

According to me, Amanda has always had a false impression of what a 'good social life' looks like. And now that that impression is shattered, she's not able to handle it. She's up for any kind of social outings- rave parties even- but she doesn't get invited. She gets so dependent on/ attached to people that she's ready to do anything to fit in. And it saddens, angers and confuses me to realise that none of those seem to work for her. Why does she have the same experience wherever she goes? Ofcourse she has her flaws but who doesn't? At this point I hope that her boyfriend(?) doesn't leave her cause if he does, she'll be completely shattered.

I gave her a call in the evening and she told me all about it. Ofcourse there isn't much that I can do for her except keep in touch with her and support her in whatever steps she takes to cope with her adversities. She told me that her tenant is going to sell her current rented flat and that she is looking for a place to stay.. sans roommate. I am really happy that she has decided not to put up with the unfair treatment anymore. Everyone is nervous to think how about how will Amanda manage everything on her own but I think she will take the extra effort and manage everything well.

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