3 February, 2018.

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Today morning I started feeling very anxious about my first graphic design lecture with the communication school students.

A small little background first.

Last summer, Ms. Paula figured that I have some kind of interest in graphic designing. She briefly taught me a software and then when WORD was formed, she made the go-to graphic design person even though my skills weren't that great. Now, she asked me whether I would like to attend graphic design classes in college free of cost. Obviously I agreed but what I did not know was this was a regular lecture for the communication school students and I would just be piling on to their class. Which is terrifying! Add to this the fact that they are not too fond of us business school students, I was bound to feel uneasy. 

Also, since this was a graphic design class, I thought we will only require the necessary software but ummm.... I can't art for nuts yet now I found myself carrying a sketch book and colour pencils to a classfull of students who might hate me!

They didn't hate me tho. More like they did not acknowledge my existence at all. I don't know what is worse. Right now I feel it's the former.

Coming to the design class, it was not that great. Last year, I had taken up an interior design elective and I had learnt principles of design back then. Guess what did I learn today.... you're right, principles of design. Not only was I uncomfortable intruding someone else's class but I didn't even get to learn anything new. 

Thanks a lot Ms. Paula, but I one more class and I think I'll pass.

An Outlet: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now