12 June, 2018.

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Office today was... not that great.

We finally got a book made and Boss Y and Boss R kinda hated it. At this point I'm not really sure what kind of illustrations do they want.

According to me, the illustrators had done a good job with actually understanding what the story requires. But let's see what we can do improve the quality now.

I had a meeting with Boss Y and Kristen. They are working on another project and wanted writers for it. I did not like the meeting one bit. They both seemed very shrewd. I've already realised that Boss Y is a poacher. He will try to take everyone in his project and frankly does have convincing skills to do so. He clearly wants to poach some of the writers writing for us. I don't understand why would he jeapordise one of his own products for another. Kristen also seems to have adapted that quality.

They openly said that even we are nowhere with our writers. I did get slightly offended because I've been working over them for the past month now and to tell me that I'm still at level zero hurts. I didn't even feel like laughing at whatever small jokes went around in that meeting. Boss H later told me not to let them use any of our writers until our project gets over. I'm not giving them any information from my side if this is the attitude I recieve.

Speaking of Boss H, he asked me not to pay too much attention to what the other bosses/ his brothers say about this particular project because
A) He is the project head, not them
B) They have never done the ground work of scouting for people. It's always handed to them. So they don't understand how all this works.

It was reassuring because everything has happened right in front of them. I've run past every step with them and they didn't have any problems. It's only when the final product is out when they tell me this is not what they wanted. Why not stop me before?

At around 2PM, the internet shut and all the work got halted. I worked on Boss H's laptop for the remainder of the day and left sharp at 6.

Once I came to my station, I called up Alex. I knew he was going to go shopping for some formal clothes today and decided to go to the shop they were in. So I did. I helped Alex select some clothes. The pants needed some altering so dad stayed back while Alex and I went home.

I quickly freshened up and got ready. Today some of our bus stop gang friends had decided to meet for dinner. Alex took his 2 wheeler and we were off.

We had decided to go this popular pizzeria which was located in 2 (not-so-nearby) places. I had been to one of them (the one we had decided to go to) about 2 years ago so we sort of knew where the place was.

But when we reached the place, the whole place was broken down. I could see the pizzeria sign board but there was nothing there. I couldn't stop laughing when I reached the place and knew that we were at the wrong place. I called up one of them and asked them to send me the location. She sent it and we're at the same place! Huh?! What is going on?

It was a little later that we realised that the main pizzeria was under renovation and they had opened a temporary dining area slightly ahead of the original place. We finally got the right place and waited for the others to come (they had gone for a stroll as the waiting list was up to 1 hour).

While waiting, I got a message from a friend who I haven't seen in ages. A little back story:

Alex, Parker and I have been going to Aunt P's place (in another city) ever since we were little. One year, their family had shifted to a rented apartment as their house had gone under renovation. When we went to stay in that apartment over our summer vacations, we befriended a couple of people there and honestly had such a great time. We played, spoke, laughed and even went for an early morning walk in the nearby hills. It was a lot of fun.

But soon, Aunt P's family shifted back to their original house (which is quite some distance away from that building complex), and we have never been to that place or met them since then. The memories are still there tho and I have been on and off chatting with I guess 2 or 3 people from there. Parker has been living in that city since mid 2016 and he finally made up his mind to go to that building and meet those people.

And that's when I got a message from one of them saying he just met Parker. Alex and I immediately called Parker and turns out he was still with them! So we spoke to one of them and kinda promised to meet soon. With all of our busy schedules, I really have no idea when 'soon' is.

Finally, we met with our bus stop gang friends and after about half an hour, we got out seat.

Since the place was temporary, their interiors were a mess. It kinda looked like we entered a shady adda of some kind. The main kitchen was still at the original pizzeria spot so they got our pizzas in a take out box. And not mention, it easily took them about an hour to get our pizzas. We were starving!

The food was great tho! And the company too. Even with the difference in our age groups, we were able to bring out common topics and have fun. I let my lameness outside (all thanks to Mr. Kim Seokjin) and had a great time! I'm happy that we all can meet and have fun without having our parents around.

Alex and I rode back home and have I ever mentioned that I become ALIVE when I'm outside at night? I wanted to go for a big ride and was all up for it but Alex had to leave for his internship/summer training tomorrow (to another city) and he still hadn't completed packing for it so we decided to just go home.

I did convince him to take the long route home tho. Hehe..

Anyways, Alex is leaving tomorrow and I'm honestly not feeling that emotional. I really want Alex to live away from home for sometime and get used to the life of living alone and doing things on your own. I'm not saying I can survive on my own but he needs that experience more than I do. Also, it's just for a month and I anyways don't see him for most part of the day. Wow, that makes me sound like a really bad sister but I can't help what I feel.

Maybe I'll miss him in a couple of days.

An Outlet: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now