5 May, 2018.

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Finals Week, Day 2.

My FC paper was not good. 

Let's first talk about the happenings of my day first, shall we?

Starting with a positive topic, I didn't feel anxious before the paper today. I have now decided the place where I'll revise everyday and also avoid everyone from my college.

Another thing was they switched on the AC today. I didn't realise my room had an AC in the first place. It didn't do much but it's alright. I can deal with the heat for a couple of days.

Speaking about my room, it's on the second floor of the building. We're allowed to go into our rooms only after 1:45PM for our paper at 2PM. Today, when they sent us up, my room was locked. I had checked the notice board and my room number hadn't changed, contrary to what the man standing outside the classroom told us. Seems like they were a bit understaffed but the good thing is that they could quickly arrange for the room to be open and someone to invigilate us.

Also, when I was standing in (my safe) place before the paper, I noticed that there was this one man sitting in the other side of the room who was continuously looking at me. It was kind of bothering me but I decided to ignore him and concentrate on my revision instead. It was only later on when I had to wait outside my room, he passed by me and I realised that the man was one of my college peons. My specs number has increased which is why I wasn't able to recognise his face. Lol. No wonder he was staring at me. He was probably there to give one of his masters' papers. Or he could be giving the same paper as me. Who knows?

Another kinda good thing that happened was after the paper when I was on my way to catch myself a ride (which I got pretty soon, thankfully), two people from my college (who aren't among the annoying ones) called out me from their rapidly moving Uber and asked if I wanted them to drop me somewhere. I wouldn't have gotten that ride even if I had said yes (because the cab was already going away from me) but I think it was a very generous effort by them. 

And to think that people don't like to associate with me cause I'm 'the nerd'.... Well, it could still be true but today wasn't one of those cases.

Coming to the not so good part now

I had woken up in the morning and revised everything from the question bank. But ofcourse, the question bank once again turned out useless. Just to clarify, if we have to attempt 5 questions (out of 10) and I don't know 1 one of them, even then I'd term my paper as bad. For a paper to go well, I need to know perfect answers to all the questions that I am going solve. Had the questions been from the question bank, my paper would have turned out great but oh well.

The next paper is Law and it's the most difficult paper, according to me. You can try to make up your own answers in other subjects if you have fair knowledge about the topic (other than Eco, which is mainly diagrams based and Accounts, of course) but you need to be very precise with Law. You can't make shit up in this paper. The portion is really big, which is why we have been given an additional day to prepare. 

Today, I noted which questions came in which year, which, unusually and sadly, took about 2 and a half hours for some reason. But now that I have that division, I have to plan accordingly. And this time I'll try to go beyond the Question Bank.

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