7 May, 2018.

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Finals Week Day 4.

I woke up in the morning at 6:00AM and revised till 1:00PM. It was a race against time, I swear. 

I had to catch my self a ride to my centre this time cause dad had to go to office. It took me a while to catch one because no one knew the place and no one wanted to go in the middle of nowhere.

Thankfully I got one and I thought my job is done. I couldn't be more wrong. My centre is easily accessible via the highway. You just have to switch to a service road towards the end. Now when I told this asshole to switch to the left service road, he took a complete left. And no, not by mistake. He's like "there's no road ahead". Bitch I've been there for two days now and heck yes, there is a frickin' road there. The driver wouldn't budge one bit. Instead, he continued going in the wrong direction. I decided it's not worth arguing with this dumbfuck, I'll walk from here.

I was so frustrated with the incident that on my way to the centre, one of my classmates (who sits diagonally opposite to me) called me over from her car which was parked to the side and I went inside the car without a second thought. She immediately asked me to help her. See? She is one of those people who will come to you only when they need some help from you. As soon as we reached the college and went over to the rest of my college classmates, she left me to go talk to someone else. 

Also, did you get that? I was standing with the rest of my college people. I couldn't avoid these people today! And it was soooooo uncomfortable. Let's just say they're not among the best students in my college. I was the only one who was trying to revise my notes (key word: trying) and the rest were busy discussing whose invigilator is more lenient. On a good note, this was atleast better than the secnairo I had in my mind (asking me way too many questions). Being ignored was better than being the centre of their attention.

I will try to best to avoid them for the rest of my paper tho. This was highly inconvenient.

I went to my room, which was thankfully open this time. And then I realised that my seat did not have my number written on it. If I was not panicking by then(which I totally was because of the various incidents that happened before), then I started. But thankfully, my seat was the same. It didn't matter whether my seat number was on it or not. Strange but it's alright. 

On to my exam for the day. I was legit blank by the time I sat in my seat. But it all came back when I started writing. My paper went welllllll! Thank goodness it did cause I don't know what more could I have done before the paper for it to be good. 

On my way back, I noticed that one part of the highway was blocked and the vehicles were being directed towards the road under the flyover. I didn't even know there was a road below the flyover as they are normally filled with damaged cars or trash.

I watched the video. Its. So. Gooooood! It got me hooked since the first scene and not just because I love BTS in general but because of the scene in front of me. The entirety of the video was very mystical and V did an absolutely AMAZING dance! The dude just pulls you in his flowly vibe. I don't know if V's current quiet persona is because of this album concept but it works for me. It works for me very well. 

If I have to be completely honest, the song, though beautiful, hasn't stuck with me like the last trailer, Serendipity, did. That's probably because I was too busy watching the visuals. Hehehe.... I'm pretty sure the song will grow on me once I watch the video again (which will now be only after my finals week is done. Or maybe earlier than that. I can't resist my self toooo much). 

Namjoon had apparently said that their concept for this comeback will be darker than before. I didn't think there could be a darker video than BST and..... I'd have to say I'm correct as of now. Though the song is more mystical than BST, the visuals of both the videos are at par with each other in terms of dark concepts.

I'll have to wait for the other videos now.

Anyways, my next paper is Advertising. Let the preparations begin.

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