2 June, 2018.

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I reached office at 9 today.

I had a meeting with my bosses. I'm kinda getting pissed now. They're giving me so much work with so little time to work with. It's not even like I have to reduce my breaks because of the work since I don't take any in the first place! I have even stopped going for my post lunch walks because of the amount of work I have. I am the only intern working on this particular project with around three bosses. All these bosses give me their own work completely forgetting that I do not just get work from one boss. And then they get annoyed when I take time to complete them.

They wanted someone who would work with dedication for a particular number of hours and I am doing that. But if you expect good work from me then give me time to do it. Understand my point of view as well. My entire life has become about my internship but I'm not complaining. It's only when you expect things beyond my limits, when I get frustrated about everything. 

Another classmate joined our office today but she is not working with me. She will work with Kristen.

Paloma finally called me! She had called me during work hours so I couldn't talk to her but then I called her back on my way back home and decided to drop by her place. It felt really nice meeting her after so long! I needed that. I needed to do something, think about something other than my work and that visit to Paloma's house really gave me my much needed break.

An Outlet: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now