Who says Fairy tales aren't Real?

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Ben's point of view

I struggle to do the buttons up on my shirt sleeves, my hands are trembling. I'm an absolute bag of nerves, and yet my heart is full thinking about My Darling Lisa, praying that she will say Yes and marry me. She has her worries and doubts I know and we've been together a short time really but I know that she loves me, a love so sweet its beyond my own comprehension sometimes. And I adore her with every breath in my body.

"Well how do I look?" I ask Dad and Gran while waiting for Lisa to finish getting ready she's been up there ages, hope she's OK.

"Oh Benny you look gorgeous lovey" Gran tells me coming up and straightening my tie she can see I'm still shaking "A proper Prince charming" pinching my cheek

"All I need now is my Cinderella then" I say and as if she heard me I turn and spot Lisa at the top of the stairs I don't think I'd ever seen her look so stunning

"Will I do?" she asks playing with the bottom of her beautiful dress like a little girl.

I walk towards the bottom of the stairs and hold my hand out to guide her down the last few steps "Sweetheart you are breathtaking" I tell her and spot her going that cute shade of pink that she does when I pay her any compliment.

"That's OK then" she tells me giggling.

"You look amazing Lisa" Dad tells her to which again she blushes, she finds it so hard to hear nice things said about her but it was something I was determined that she would have to get used to.

"Well we'd best head off" I tell her. We walk outside to the land rover. I pop Lisa in the front and grab our bags for the hotel, Dad and Gran are sneaky beggars the way they organized it all, but what better a place to be for what tonight would become.

The children wave us off in their Pyjamas "Bye Mummy and Daddy" Riley shouts

"Be Good you two" Lisa tells them making Dad Laugh

"You two cause more trouble than these angels" he says thanks Dad I'm thinking.

"I love you Daddy" Riley shouts

"Me too" follows Ellie

"I love you both very much" I tell them and blow them a kiss.

Gran comes out "Have fun lovey" she says squeezing my hands

"Good Luck Lad" adds Dad I get a lump in my throat not really sure why

"We'll call you" I tell them.

"Oh our William get me inside" says Gran "I need a sherry" oh look out I think as I jump in the car. Lisa is agitated in her seat. I rub my hand on her knee to settle her and we head off.

It's not a long drive but it feels like it's forever I haven't actually decided when I'm going to ask her yet I had thought at midnight but could I really wait that long I'm not sure my nerves could stand it. "Are you OK Sweetie?" Lisa asks me, she can tell there's something.

"I'm fine darling" I say and she puts her hand on my thigh which provides some distraction but not necessarily a helpful one naughty girl!

We arrive at the hotel and we give our name at reception "Ah yes we've been expecting you Mr Langley" the receptionist says "You're booked into our best Guest suite" she says Lisa's jaw just drops and I pop my finger under her chin to let her know bless her.

"Thank you" taking the key

"Your dinner reservation is for eight thirty Mr Langley" she adds which gives us half an hour upstairs to get sorted. We head to the lift. My stomach full of butterflies suddenly I know how Lisa feels as she says she gets them all the time.

We get to our room it's lovely Dad and Gran have got it spot on. Our view overlooks Clifford's tower which is lit up for all to see. We both stand at the window looking out Lisa comes close to me, part of me would happily skip dinner and lock my princess in this tower with me and make passionate love to her till the new year came but there was something I had to do. They had laid on champagne strawberries and chocolates in the room for us extras's from Dad apparently as if all this wasn't enough. Lisa is a little unsure about the champagne."I don't think I should Sweetie, with the Baby" she says

"I'm sure one sip will be fine Sweetheart if only just to feel the bubbles go up your nose" she laughs at me.

"So what shall we drink to?" she asks me

"To us" I say "To our future" she takes the tiniest sip possible, making the cutest face as the bubbles go up her nose. I place a strawberry to her lips she takes half offering the rest to me, I kiss her slowly and lovingly savouring the taste of her feeling that hunger for her rising within me, maybe it's time to go for dinner or I will lock her in here.

Our meal was amazing, Lisa enjoyed it especially her desert apparently the baby loves sticky toffee pudding I had visions of me running down to the twenty four hour cost-cutter in the coming months because "baby" fancied some. But if that's what she wanted I would run in an instant.

The hotel was busy everyone waiting for the New year to come in, there was a singer and a band at the hotel playing smooth music which despite the crowds was soothing. "Would Madame like to dance?" I ask Lisa making her a little shy, we'd never danced together in public before.

"I'm not a very good dancer" she says to me

"Trust me" I say pulling her up onto the dance floor "Just let me hold you Sweetheart and I'll do the rest" I think she was telling me fibs because once I start to move around the floor she takes my lead perfectly, doing our own thing dancing to our own beat, like there was no one else in the room. I hold her so close that I can hear her heart beating and feel it pump against my chest its as if our hearts beat in sync.

"This is wonderful Ben" she tells me and she's not wrong here I am dancing the night away with the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid my eyes on. My mind buzzed from thinking of all that would happen over the next few months this was the moment, there was one minute left until midnight.

"I never imagined I could ever be this happy Lis" I say too her she looks up at me

"Me neither" she says "I love you so very much Sweetheart you know that don't you" she nods at me smiling the countdown begins


"So what's your new years resolution then sweetie?" she asks me and I pull the little box out of my jacket pocket

"To marry the girl I love" I tell her, she gazes at me with a nervous smile. I pull away from her opening the box.


I get down on one knee in front of her "Lisa Rebecca Jones will you marry me?" my heart is racing I fear it will explode, she puts her hand to her face

"Oh Ben" tears forming in her sparkling eyes.

"Sweetheart will you be my wife?" I ask again nervously


"Yes, Yes, YES she yells at me as I scoop her up in my arms and spin her around like I did when I found out she was pregnant. She said Yes.....................She said Yes.

I take the ring and put it on her finger and it fits like a glove, like Cinderella's slipper, she's my Princess and I'm her Prince and who says fairy tales aren't real.

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