She's Changing

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Ben's Point of View

I watched the world just pass me by as the taxi drove me home. I could still smell her perfume on my jacket. I could still taste her on my lips. She had looked so beautiful tonight, her pretty dress clung to every gorgeous curve she owned, she fiddled with it every now and then I could see which makes me think that it's new plus the fact that she still had one of the little labels in the lining but I didn't have the heart to tell her. She bought it for me, all of it. the dress, the shoes which made her gorgeous legs look longer and the stockings. it was a much as I could do to keep my hands off her, but this needed to be right. 

When I get back to my house I flop myself down onto the bed, my mind is buzzing after. I hope I hadn't upset her taking her home fuck, does she think I don't want her, shit, but I knew that if we had stayed in the park what would happen, my want, my desire for her, was so strong and was getting stronger every time we were alone together. I hadn't felt this before, had never felt it with Wendy, she was her own woman, did as she pleased I was just dragged along for the ride, married too young and for all the wrong reasons, a walking car crash.

Wendy didn't need me, but Lisa did, I could feel it when we kissed, she gave herself to me completely, aching to be loved, how could anyone want to hurt her?. I Just wanted to take her in my arms and protect her from the world. She longs to be cared for but there's still that resistance something holding her back. I feel like I want to ask her but I'm afraid I'll frighten her off if I do.

I pick up my phone and send her the text I had promised. Yet a text just isn't enough I need to be with her, I need to feel her close to me I'm completely lost without her. Something had happened tonight something changed and now I just needed her God I needed her.

Sweetheart I'm conscious that I left you tonight but I hope you understand why? Because I didn't want to, in fact it's the last thing I wanted xx

I press the send button and eagerly wait her reply, thinking of her smile and those deep dark eyes. that made me go weak at the knees, here I am a near forty year old man feeling like a school boy with his first crush.

My phone vibrates and I get that bubble in my chest, does she get that when I text her I wonder.

I understand darling I really do, but I miss you now you're gone, tonight was wonderful, things are changing again aren't they xx

She misses me, my own darling,  I take a deep breath reading the text again things are changing

Yes darling they are, but for the better, you looked stunning tonight, it was as much as I could do to keep my hands to myself xx

So I noticed xx 

Have you any idea how much I want you? xx

As much as I want you xx she wants me and she's said it 

Sweetheart are you sure, I haven't pushed it have I? xx 

Did you see me fighting you off? xx

No, the opposite in fact xx

I've never felt like this before Ben, you'll just have to bare with me if i'm a little clumsy xx

You're far from clumsy darling xx

You know what I mean xx

Yes baby I do, this is why I don't want us to rush things, we've got something pretty amazing between us and I know you feel it too xx

Yes I do xx

Those things you wanted to feel, I want to explore every single one of them xx I tell her remembering what she said while I was away all them weeks ago.

I can't wait xx

I am possibly the luckiest fella in the world right now. I get into bed I imagine Lisa in her so cute pyjamas and longed to be lying there next to her. I would give anything but the way I knew she was I didn't want to ask too much of her. I just wished she could open up to me and tell me what it was that she kept locked inside.

I smile when my phone goes off again, she's sent a picture. Wow, she's not in her oh so cute pyjamas tonight, this is something else, a black slip, it's exquisite

Sweetheart xx

Do you like it? xx

I love it, and I love all that's in it. Will you wear this for me again darling? x x

I'd love to xx

She's changing, showing me what she wants bit by bit and I was drowning in her, helpless. I wanted to say how much I loved her and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, what did I want, I want to marry her, I want her to be Mrs Langley, I want to father her child, children however many, I want her to have my babies but was it too soon I felt it in my heart and my soul and I so desperately wanted her to know. We text some more and I tell her that I too miss her when we are not together my heart is pounding for her.

Sweet dreams sweetheart and all the sweetest hugs and kisses I can send you night night my darling xxxx

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