It's a Grand Ol' line Dance Party Tonight

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I've started packing my bag for the hospital, deciding what I want and need to take with me. We'd looked through my birth plan together with Ben taking such an interest, he never broke his promise to me that he would be with me every step of the way, he would ring me every shift I had in work to check that I was OK, every night he would sit and chat to our little girl to which she would respond by kicking and jiggling to her Daddy's voice.We'd talked about whether I would breast feed her or not, I hadn't done it with Riley and Ellie, Matt didn't want me doing it when Riley was born although I had tried it a couple of times at the hospital without him knowing, determined to give my little man something, and I was too ill after having Ellie to even try. Ben had said he would support me if I wanted to try it this time, I liked the idea and told him this. Many mums enjoy it well so one of Grans magazines said, Ben wanted me to enjoy it, it was after all one of the most natural things in the world to feed my baby myself. He wanted me to enjoy all the things with our baby that I had missed out on. It seemed that was his aim from when we first met to bring me all the things I had held back from from our most intimate time together to just new experiences day to day that I had been denied in the past

We'd started thinking of names for our little girl but as of yet hadn't decided on anything definite. Ellie wanted to call her Peppa as in Peppa Pig. We had told Riley and her that Mummy had a little baby girl in her tummy and Riley wanted to call her Rosie which staggered us we had thought to put Rose in her name somewhere because of Ben's great grandmother, Grans Mum but Riley didn't know anything about her.

Dad and Julie were enjoying their time with us, the more time I spent with her the closer I got to her But she still wasn't Gran no one ever would be in my eyes I adored her she was a tower of strength to me and Ben and Riley and Ellie's love for her as with Dad's was endless. I guess there was a small part of me that wouldn't let Julie in because I felt she should prove herself to me and that fear that she was taking my darling dad from me although Ben told me that would never happen knowing how I felt about Dad. Ben had been organizing a party these last few days for his Dads birthday in three days time without him knowing of course he'd managed to get all of Dads friends from Yorkshire down and even some from Nice. Dad and Julie would stay for the party before heading home.

"Would you be up for a bit more singing Sweetheart?" he asks me while we finish the preparations while Dad is out with my Dad, Julie and the kids. 

"Singing for what" I ask him 

"For Dads Party, I'm going to get the band back together" I look at him what is he on about 

"What band?" I ask 

"The Langley Band lovey" Gran says I'm lost now 

"When I was younger Me, Gran and Dad used to go around singing at parties and functions giving a few concerts here and there" I smile 

"You're serious, you never told me about this" I say 

"I was waiting for the right time so you could join us" I look at Gran 

"He is serious isn't he" I say to her 

"He is lovey" Ben laughs 

"Gran plays the drums" he tells me 

"What Gran really" I must look shocked 

"Its true sweetheart I wouldn't lie to you" I laugh 

"OK I believe you, but where do I come in" I ask 

"We want that pretty voice of yours lovey, we all sing but we really need a lead" Gran says 

"Oh I haven't performed properly for years the other night after the show was just a bit of fun" I tell them 

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