Growing pains

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"Gran could I have my phone back now please" I ask her as she smiles back at me 

"Have you eaten all your breakfast" she says making me feel about twelve 

"Yes Gran" I say with my sweet innocent face that Ben just laughs at. She takes it out of her apron pocket and hands it me as Ben put his hand out for his

 "You're not having yours" she says to him 

"Why not, I ate my breakfast" he says with your typical teenage boy tone this is crazy making me giggle 

"Yeah but you started it" she says playing along 

"But Gran" Ben strops 

"Be a good lad or I'll stop your pocket money" she says wagging her finger at him I could howl but I might just wet myself. 

"But......." Ben starts 

"Hey don't answer back boy" Dad says from behind his paper. I cant stop my hysterics anymore as Ben pushes his plate across the table in a proper tantrum folding his arms and going in a full sulk 

"Naughty Daddy" Riley shouts at him making Dad laugh out loud as Gran comes up behind Ben and has him on the head with the tea towel 

"Take that sulk up to your room my boy" well that's done it Ben stomps upstairs like a stroppy lad as we all look at each other and just burst into fits of laughing.

After breakfast I go outside in the garden with the kids, Ben is upstairs doing something not sure what but when I went to go in our room earlier he said I had to wait as I wasn't allowed to see what he was up to mysterious boy. 

"Mummy look at me" Riley says flying down the new slide of his new play gym that Dad and Julie had bought him and Ellie when they were here. 

"Clever boy" I tell him 

"Me go too Mummy" Ellie asks 

"OK darling just be careful yeah" letting out an excited scream as she comes flying down almost giving me a heart attack at the speed she comes down, Riley is going like a mad thing 

"Riley please be careful you will hurt if you carry on" I tell him 

"Its OK Mummy I'm a big boy" he says 

"Yes I know but just take your time OK" I try and tell him it works for all of about ten seconds. He comes speeding down the slide knocking into Ellie at the bottom causing her to topple over "Riley" I snap "Mind your sister, if you don't calm down you can go inside" he looks at me still running out of breath 

"Sorry Mummy, sorry Ellie" Ellie is grizzling a little taken by surprise more than anything 

"Come here darling you're OK" I say to her. I look up and Riley is at the the top of the climbing frame 

"Look mummy I'm spider man" he shouts as he jumps off the top 

"RILEY" I scream at him but its too late, he lands really awkward and starts screaming. Ben must have heard and opens the bedroom window as I run over to Riley "BEN BEN he's hurt" I shout at him as he runs downstairs "Riley darling are you OK?"  but he cant answer me he just keeps screaming as Ben runs out into the garden 

"Riley, Riley its OK darling Daddy's here" Ben says taking hold of him, I'm a sobbing mess "What happened?" Ben asks 

"He jumped off the bloody climbing frame, he's been running around like a fool" I cant catch my breath "He knocked Ellie off the slide I was seeing to her then he went to jump off I couldn't stop him" as I start to cry 

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