Unwanted Visitors

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Ben's point of View

"Grampa, Grampa open your presents" Riley is shouting 

"Well what have I got in here then?" Dad asks 

"Me and Ellie picked it" Riley tells him 

"Did you" and they both shout 

"Yeah, yeah" he opens it to find a framed certificate with Worlds Best Grampa written across it with a picture of Riley Ellie and Dad in Disneyland 

"You Grampy" Ellie shows him 

"It is angel, Grampa and my two favourite monkey's" he says making Ellie laugh 

"And there's this Dad" Lisa says to him handing him another present, he opens it to find a photo album that Lisa has put together, pictures of me when I was a baby and growing up, photo's of Riley and Ellie when they were babies, our wedding photos and on the second to last page a picture of our little girl the scan we had with Harry. 

"The last page is empty, waiting for a picture of her with her Grampa" Lisa says to him and I can see tears in his eyes, bless you Dad 

"Its beautiful love, thank you so much" 

"Happy birthday Dad" she says and he comes and hugs her tapping her tummy. I walk over to him 

"Happy birthday old man" I say laughing 

"You're not too old for a slap my boy" he jokes as  I pull him in for a hug. 

"Come on Grampa your birthday breakfast is waiting" Gran tells Dad 

"Outside al fresco, is that what they say" Gran says 

"We say out in't garden" Uncle Dave pipes up "Come on my poppet's" Aunty May calls to the children with Lisa, Geraint and Julie following, Lisa's tired this morning she didn't sleep very well last night. Gran takes hold of Dad 

"Happy Birthday my boy" she says I get a lump in my throat 

"Thanks Mam"

We all head out into the garden the sun shining its a glorious morning, Gran has done the works for us all god love her "What time do we need to be at the venue tonight Ben" Dad asks still thinking that we are going to perform for Davey's party 

"Need to be set up by seven Dad party starts at eight" he really is completely unaware, its only nine thirty but its already been a crazy morning Dad's birthday celebrations in full swing. Riley and Ellie had made him a cake with Gran and Aunty May. The sun is not agreeing with Lisa though she gets hot and bothered easily and because its so warm at night she finds it hard to sleep baby bump making her uncomfortable and our little wriggler seemed to spend most of last night awake kicking Mummy, she was trying her best to pretend it wasn't bothering her but it did. She didn't want me to think she was fed up she was afraid I'd get upset. "Darling are you OK" I ask her 

"I'm just tired sweetie that's all" she says 

"Why don't you have a nap after breakfast, you've been awake most of the night" I suggest to her 

"Might do" she says she doesn't want to leave everyone not today wants to be here for Dad. This is what makes her happy, our family her Dad being here makes it all the more special. I've watched her get to know Julie, its hard for her she doesn't really trust anyone who gets close to her Dad especially after what her mother did. We hadn't heard from her since the wedding Geraint said that he hadn't had any contact either, Marcus hadn't been in touch he had clearly been sucked back in by her but that didn't surprise Lisa the test would be when the baby came would any of them try and get in touch with her.

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