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I walk hand in hand through the garden with Ben, my husband ah that makes me tingle. He looks so gorgeous in his suit, with his lemon tie and hanky, his tie is unusually straight so his Dad must have done it for him because he is useless at them bless him, but his wonky ties, his reading glasses, my sexy bookworm, my adorable swat it was the teacher in him, the way he dressed older than his years his old man slippers he wore at home all of this just made him even more attractive. He was not your regular looker, but I had been there Matt had the chizzled looks and the body beautiful, well so I was told by everyone when I met him, but this meant nothing this was soon replaced by fear and loathing his face only caused me to frighten and his body was a weapon to be used against me, Ben was like a little boy which just drew me in with his sweet almost shyness he was my reluctant Prince charming, I know he wasn't what all my old so called friends would have pictured me with, but to me he was the most beautiful man in the world, stunning in my eyes the little things his cute awkwardness, his slight lisp when he spoke, his cute few freckles on his forehead and the wrinkles that came round his eyes when he smiled.

"So what do you want to do now wifey?" he asks me, we hadn't planned anything as such a meal somewhere maybe as there was only the handful of us. 

"I don't know sweetie what do you want to do" I ask 

"Do you fancy a burger?" he laughs 

"What are you like?" I say and he copies me 

"What are you like" copying my welsh accent to a tee, cheeky devil.

We head back inside where everyone has waited patiently for us while we spent our few first moments together as man and wife. "So where do you fancy going?" Ben asks everyone. 

"All in hand lovey all in hand" Gran says causing both Ben and I to look at her with suspicious eyes. 

William opened the door of the land rover "Mr and Mrs Langley if you'd step this way" he says ushering us into the car 

"What's going on?" I ask 

"Wait and see" Dad says from behind me.

William drives us back we head from York back to the village and he pulls into the car park of the local where we went for a family lunch when we first came here. The others follow up behind. Gran gets out of Aunty May's car carrying two large pieces of ribbon lemon ribbon. "Gran what are you up to?" Ben asks 

"Pop these on?" as she places the ribbon round mine and Ben's eyes blindfolding us both 

"Right come on" says my new father in law as he guides me and my dad guides Ben I think because I can't see a bloody thing.

I think we are taken round to the back of the pub I feel the gravel under my feet. we go into a room I feel the heat come out as soon as we walk in and I can smell food chicken I think again I'm not sure then William stops me and I feel Ben grab my hand his touch is like no one else's, as he stands next to me 

"Are you ready?" asks Gran 

"Yes"I say 

"Come on Gran" Ben says I feel his impatience, they remove our blindfolds and we are met with a cheer of SURPRISE!!! causing us both to step back in shock.

We are in the function hall and it's decorated beautifully with banners and balloons all lemon and navy just like the boys suits. All of Ben's family are here the ones I've met plus others and his friends Davey and Jeremy with their wives and Mike my one true friend with his partner Jack I hadn't met him but had seen pictures of him and knew everything about him from Mike's stories. I was so touched that they were here and Eileen and her husband Graham and Dom aww I was so chuffed. Most of my friends had turned their backs on me because of Matt more damage that he had caused. I had to look twice as I wasn't sure what I was seeing but my brother Marcus had come I had a fear for a second that my mum might be here too.

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