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"What" Ben says completely thrown by his words 

"I'm your brother" he says again this is crazy I cant take in what's happening, Ben has gone pale, I just look at him not sure what to think, what to say. 

"I'm sorry I know this must be a real shock for you" he says to Ben

 "A SHOCK" Ben yells "Who the hell are you" he asks him 

"Your Mother Valerie" he starts 

"What of her" Ben says 

"She was my mother too" 

"This is a fucking wind up Ben says as he walks away with his hands in his hair "

Sweetie wait" I say to him he walks over to Dad and Gran 

"Son what's going on" I hear Dad ask "Who is he" he questions 

"Well Dad HE" he says pointing over to him "HE claims that he is my brother, this has got to be a joke some nut job turns up to my mothers funeral claiming to be my long lost brother" he's laughing but its a nervous laugh Dad comes over 

"I don't know what you think your playing at sunshine but this is a family day its been hard enough as it is without some sick joke" Dad shouts 

"Its no joke I swear" Peter if that's his name says "Valerie Langley was my mother, Benjamin is my half brother" he says very insistent. 

"So if this bullshit you're coming out with is true where the hell have you been until now" Dad asks him 

"I've been away" he says 

"Well that's bloody handy ain't it" Dad says getting more angry by the second "I need to be with my Son" Dad says and walks off. 

"I didn't mean to cause any problems" he says and I look at him 

"What were you expecting a welcome party" I say to him rather surly "Sorry I didn't mean it to sound like that" I say "Its just we've all been through enough now this" I tell him 

"I know and I'm really really sorry you must be Benjamin's wife" he says 

"Yes I'm Lisa and its Ben he prefers to be called Ben" I tell him 

"Right I'll remember" he says "Do you think he'll talk to me Lisa" he asks 

"I'll have to speak to him but how do we know you are who you say you are hey" I ask him although looking at him it isn't hard to see he looks like Ben much younger probably about twenty nine, thirty the same eyes and curly hair, tanned skin obviously from his time overseas if this is true Jesus Christ how much more crap must be thrown at us. 

"I thought you would ask that so I've brought a photograph of me and my mother, our mother" he pulls it out of his jacket pocket as I hear Ben coming back up behind me as he snatches the photograph looking at it I see his face change when he looks at it he knows this is true that this is real 

"My god" he says so quiet its almost a whisper as he hands me the photograph 

"You're not lying are you" I say to Peter and he shakes his head 

"The hospice rang me and told me she'd died, I've been away with the army posted overseas I was lucky to get here today" he says 

"But how did you know about today" I ask him putting my arm around Ben 

"the hospice told me Debbie Mum's nurse said you were organizing a funeral I just had to fill in the gaps" Ben looks at him "I've known about you all my life Ben but Mum said I wasn't to contact you" he says to Ben 

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