The Butterfly from the flower

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Lisa's Point Of View

It had been a few days since we met on the tube, but his face was there every time I closed my eyes. The hanky he gave me, that I kept on my bedside table. I could still smell his aftershave on it. I recall him flirting with me and that I had blushed like a fool but I didn't want him to stop, it was impossible to fight it. I couldn't help but wonder what he wanted, what he was looking for. He wasn't like any man I'd known, but how would I feel about letting someone in again, getting that close. He wouldn't want me if he knew.

We were in the middle of the lunchtime rush and I had just finished serving a queue of customers when a young delivery driver came up to me with a large box "Miss Jones ?" I looked at him rather curiously, how does he know who I am?

"Yes" he lifts the box to me.

"Delivery for you" I take it from him my curiosity building, I had only been here a week who would be sending me parcels.

"Thank you" I said and head to find somewhere to put it 

"Who's sending you prezzies then Lis" shouted Mike from the back of the store. I shrugged at him. "Take it out the back if you like and open it" he says 

"Are you sure we are busy" I call to him 

"Yeah it's fine you carry on love" he says. I head out to the staff  room which is empty. I place the long box on the table and whilst break the seal.  I pull away the packaging to find a beautiful arrangement of sunflowers their sweet smell hitting me, they are perfect, beautifully arranged. With them is a small yellow envelope with my name on.

Taking the card out I notice it is handwritten, butterflies suddenly fill my stomach and my heart races.


I've been unable to stop thinking about you since we met the other day I hope these flowers will be a small reminder of me for you, thank you again for helping me, I will be coming back to see you as my eyes are so eager to see your pretty face. Forgive my forwardness  but I am helpless to stop it.

See you very soon 

Ben x

So you are Ben..........................................

I must have frozen to the spot and I was shaking, I had never been sent flowers and certainly never had anyone write me such beautiful words, I didn't deserve this. I'm clearly off in a dream because the next thing I know I am being tapped on the shoulder by Eileen the assistant manager

"Everything ok darling" she asks 

"Yes, they uh..... they are from a friend" I answer clumsily

"A friend who thinks a lot of you clearly" she says 

"What do you mean" I ask

"Well these clearly set your friend back a fair few bob" I let her take a closer look "They are lovely darling" she says "Someone seems to want to impress you Lis" she says to me "The question is are you going to let them" she asks

"I don't know" I say nervously

"Is this by any chance the man that came in here on your first day" she asks 

"Yes" I pick up the card "Ben" I tell her "He was gentle, so kind I've not known a man like that before" I say I show her the card 

"Are you sure" she ask looking for permission to read

"Of course" I say and I watch her take in his words and she smiles

"He likes you darling he really does most men wouldn't write stuff like this, he's a romantic this is straight from the heart, I say go with it he could be your Mr right, you deserve it you and the kiddies" she says and I shiver a little those butterflies getting stronger. "Think about it because by the sounds of it he's coming to see you" she tells me

I pack away the box into my locker and get back to work.

So Ben where are we going from here?

The rest of that afternoon went by in a somewhat happy blur by the end of my shift I was ready to head home and see the children. I collected them from nursery passing by the local bakery as Riley told me he had been a very good boy today so of course deserved a jam doughnut as a reward, Ellie on the other hand was happy munching on a yum yum and her cuddling blanket together making a delightful mess but who was I to tell her not to.

After supper I decided to un box the flowers he had sent me......... Ben, his name suited his face somehow. I wondered what his surname was, wondered over many other things about him too. I kept picturing him, his dark wavy hair, his lovely eyes, smile, the tweed jacket he was wearing, his wonky burgundy tie, he was old fashioned but I liked it.

"Those are pretty flowers mummy" said Riley as I placed them in a vase.

"Yes they are darling, they really are" I reply as I place them on the mantle piece. The smell from them is still fresh. "Come on you two time for bed" I call to the them both, thrilled as always at being pulled away from their play. A bath, two stories, cuddles, kisses and they are both fast asleep. I head into my room to undress. The same ritual as every night, trying not to look at myself in the mirror but I still can't, I'm always drawn to the marks, almost a branding of his actions, how could I ever let anyone see this, a sign of my weakness.

I wrap my dressing gown around me and go to lie on the sofa. I pop in my headphones switching on my IPod Cyndi Lauper's I drove all night plays in my ear as I lie back staring at the card he had written to me, twiddling it in my fingers.  I suddenly wished to be one of those handwriting interpreters who could tell everything about a man from the way he dotted his i's and crossed his t's. The warm feeling he gave me is fighting the shiver that comes over me now and again, what if I let him in, he would have to know.

My head sinks into my pillow tonight. The moonlight shines through the window onto the card and the handkerchief that sit on my bedside table.

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