The Perfect Gift

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I stand in front of the mirror wondering if I've made the right choice for my outfit, a simple navy blue wrap dress with long sleeves. It fits over every curve I seem to own making me fidget, I'm no skinny model I'm a size twelve possibly ten why can't there be a size eleven God damn it because I'm probably that.

I sigh when I see my image staring back at me. Why was I still so self conscious. Out of the select few who had seen what was underneath it was Ben who showed me that it wasn't something awful but I still could not get my head around it. I couldn't see what he did. Matt had made me feel dirty ashamed of my own body, its a miracle that I can even look in a mirror

I run a brush through my hair once I've finished my make up when Ben walks up behind wrapping his arms around my waist breathing into my neck "You look gorgeous" he says "I love this dress" he whispers 

"I don't know if its right, it's very clingy I tell him, am I looking for approval?

"Oh it clings in all the right places baby" he says cheekily running his hands over my hips "You're figure drives me crazy Lissy, you must know that" he says 

"I had an idea" I smile  before heading to pick up my sunflower necklace from the dresser but Ben stops me. 

"No, not that one, not tonight" he says 

"Why not?" He takes out a box from the inside of his jacket and pulls it open, inside is a diamond and white gold necklace in the shape of a bow with earrings to match "oh Ben they're lovely" I gasp. He takes out the necklace and puts it on me 

"A bow for the best present I've ever had" this man is just too good to be true. I kiss him gently 

"I do not deserve you" I tell him as he runs his fingers through my hair brushing it away from my face letting out a deep sigh

"No no no, it's definitely the other way around" damn he's doing it again.

We head off, Ben is quiet in the car. He looks worried and a little on edge probably about the concert, it meant a lot to him that I went but I couldn't help being slightly wary of meeting his fellow teachers. This was making it very official. What if his friends didn't like me. We left the children playing happily with Mike, well pounding him with cushions anyway!!. But they were happy with Mike, had grown close to him in such a short time. 

The college performance hall is full when we walk in, parents, grandparents all there to see the students who were sat on the stage a lot of them looking as worried as Ben. Those performing nerves, that takes me back.

"Darling shall I help you find a seat" Ben says 

"No sweetie I'll be fine, go on get yourself sorted" I say to him. I watch his students faces light up when they see him instantly calming their nerves. I see him speaking to a man and from looking at him and how Ben had described him it must be his best friend Davey. They both look over to the seat Ive put myself in. Davey lifts his hand to wave so I return the gesture. I watch him tap Ben on the back as the lights in the hall are dimmed.

Ben walks to the front, he's wearing the same navy suit he wore on our date to the theatre accompanied by a Baby Blue tie and those oh so sexy glasses. I see him glance at me before he turns around. Any stage fright the students have is soon washed away when Ben stands in front of them. He lifts his arms for them to stand and the music begins, the choir are amazing not taking their eyes off Ben like the day I saw them rehearse. After a few more items a woman walks to the stage tall with bottled blonde hair  she appears to be a few years older than me. I see her look at Ben clearly trying to get his attention which he seems to ignore.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" she begins "The next item is a new composition written by our very own Mr Langley especially for this evening............" she carries on talking but I'm not really listening I wanted to hear Ben's music why didn't he tell me about it. He's asked to come to introduce it himself.

"Thank you" he says, he can't look at that woman, who is she and why am I getting such an awful ibe from her. Ben clears his throat in order to be heard  "I would like to dedicate this song to a very special lady" wait what "A lady who has reignited my passion for writing music"  a tiny tear forms in the corner of my eye and I can barely breath. "A lady who has inspired me in so many ways, the song is called Her Perfect gift and it's for Lisa" He wrote a song for me. His students are smiling and some turn to look at me. Ben brings them back to order and the pianist begins. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard almost like a lullaby. The audience are transfixed but none so much as me.

"From today my whole life through, I need nothing else but you,

Out of the darkness fate did lift, your heart to me the perfect gift"

I was lost for words but the song had said it all. Ben turns around and blows me a kiss causing the audience and his students to stand up and applaud. The hairs on the back of my neck had risen up and I can feel a lump in my throat. I don't think I could be any prouder of him. 

The cheers keep coming and the claps keep ringing, but her, that blonde she stands out, her face, I can sense her anger, her rage across a crowded room and it was aimed at me, she's angry with me. 

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