My Beautiful Wife

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Ben's point of view

"You never were any good at tie's lad" Dad tells me with a grin plastered across his face while he straitens my tie. I'm shaking like a leaf, I think about Lisa, what she's doing, how she looks in her dress, her face when she opened my present, and hope she's happy with everything. I sit looking in the box with our wedding rings simple diamond carved gold bands as she'd asked but made of clogau gold, welsh gold a little piece of my girl, where she came from that I could now share in I cant wait to put this on Lisa's finger. Her Dad has just left to go and collect her and Ellie. Riley looks the proper little Gent in his little suit with Lemon dickey bow.

"Are we ready to go then" Dad calls

"Come on Daddy" Riley shouts while jumping on my lap "You going to make Mummy your Princess now Daddy?" he asks me

"I certainly am matey" he smiles

"Does that mean we will live in a castle?" I'm not sure what to say to that but thinking about it our little flat is only a two bedroom, Riley and Ellie share a room, the baby would be in with us for a while but we needed a bigger place.

"We will have to see about that one matey" I tell him

We head off into York to the registry office, Dad drives, I get those sweaty palms again like I did when I asked Lisa's Dad if I could marry her. I rub them in my trousers. "You OK Son?" Dad asks and I mange a nervous smile, he just grins at me. Gran, Aunty May and Uncle Dave are waiting for us.

"Benjamin you look drop dead gorgeous Poppet" Aunty May shouts across the car park not trying to embarrass me at all.

"Come on lets head in before that girl of yours arrives" Dad says,

Riley rushes up to Gran "Gran" she holds her arms out wide for him

"Hello Handsome boy, you are even better looking than your Daddy" she tells him, she is so proud of him. We head into the marriage room OK now I'm nervous we sit down at the front, the room is old fashioned with black carved chairs and a deep red carpet. Gran comes up behind me

"Wait till you see her lovey" commenting on how Lisa looks, I just want to see her now. The Registrar comes in and takes her place at the table at the front signalling that Lisa is here. She asks us to stand I picked an instrumental version of "All I ask of you" from the Phantom of the Opera for Lisa to walk into bringing back memories of our date that night how when they'd sung this song I'd held her hand and cuddled up to her, I'd fallen in love with her weeks before but that night I felt closer to her than I ever had.

The Music started and I froze, I don't know why, but I did "Look at her Son" Dad said pulling me round to see her and there she was my beautiful bride. I never thought a girl could look so gorgeous. She smiled at me when our eyes met I feel a lump in throat as she walks towards me. Ellie my little Princess looked so sweet in her dress, just like her Mummy.

"Hello you" she says to me

"Sweetheart you look beautiful" she smiles and leans up to whisper

"Was I worth the wait?" she has no idea

"Oh god yes" I whisper back.

Good Morning ladies and gentleman and welcome to the the marriage of Benjamin and Lisa

This place in which we are now met has been duly sanctioned according to law for the celebration of marriage. This ceremony will unite Benjamin and Lisa in marriage. We are here to celebrate their union and to honour their commitment to each other. Today the couple will proclaim their love for one another. We celebrate with them and for them

If any person present knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage they should declare it now.

We both look at each other and breath a little sigh. Lisa giving me a cheeky smile when the registrar called me Benjamin. I hold her hand. She's taking everything in watching everyone, I cant take my eyes off her.

I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I Benjamin William Langley should not be joined in matrimony to Lisa Rebecca Jones

I see tears form in her eyes I squeeze her hands and touch her forehead with mine.

Benjamin do you take Lisa to be your lawful wedded wife to be loving, faithful and loyal to her for the rest of your life together? I do.......................................

we make our vows not taking our eyes off each other, I feared my heart would explode, to hear her make her promises to me moved me in a way that I had never felt before. Like the words of one of her favourite songs "Only You have the power to move me"

......................................................I call upon these persons here present to witness that I Lisa Rebecca Jones do take you Benjamin William Langley to be my lawful wedded husband to love and to cherish you from this day forward.

Riley came forward with our rings on a little silk cushion so proud of his part to play......My Son.

I give you this ring as a symbol of our love. All that I am I give to you all that I have I share with you. I promise to love you to be faithful and loyal in good times and bad may this ring remind you always of the words we have spoken today.

I see the gold from her ring shine in her eyes shimmering with tears, Gran and Aunty May have their hanky's out, a hanky the thing that had brought Lisa into my life something so simple bringing something so special.

Today is a new beginning. May you have many happy years together and in those years may all your hopes and dreams be fulfilled. Above all, may you always believe in each other and may the warmth of your love enrich not only your lives but the lives of all those around you.

It now gives me great pleasure to tell you both that you are now legally Husband and Wife. Ben you may now kiss your bride.

By now we are both in tears I am possibly the happiest man alive. I bring Lisa to me giving her the sweetest most loving kiss I ever could. Our Dads have a very similar look of pride and happiness about them and everyone claps, Ellie jumps up and down on the spot.........My Daughter.

Once we sign the registers and Gran has taken about fifty photos we head out in the gardens of the office, Riley and Ellie get us to bend down and throw confetti at us their little faces are so happy. The snow had cleared but it was still cold, Lisa and Ellie wore matching faux fur shrugs both as adorable as the other. Lisa's Dad had been crying I could see, so proud of his little girl, I was determined to keep my promise to him and love and protect his daughter and his grandchildren, My little family. We took some more photographs Dad doing his David Bailey thing which I have to confess he was rather good at. I took a selfie with Lisa and the children promptly popping it onto Facebook under the status "Look what we've gone and done"

Dad had ushered everyone back inside to give us a moment alone he said winking at me Lisa's Dad doing the same they are far too similar. I hold Lisa's hand while we walk around the garden I feel her shiver from the cold so pull her close to me. Her sunflowers in her hair shimmer in the winter sun. I run my finger down her cheek "Well Mrs Langley" I say and she giggles like a five year old

"Well Mr Langley" she throws back at me still giggling. "We did it" I say and she nods at me it warmed my heart to see her so happy. I check to see if anyone is around before plucking up the courage to sing to her my voice not a match for hers

Then say you'll share with me one love one lifetime...........

"Sing for me sweetheart" I ask her, her voice is as beautiful as she is,a gift, her gift.

Anywhere you go Let me go too, Love me that's all I ask of you.

And that's all I did ask of her was that she would love me but what she had given me was much much greater than that. "We should make a move Sweetheart" I tell her

"Yes Husband" she smiles at me swelling my heart

"My Beautiful Wife"..............My Beautiful Wife.

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