I'd prefer Mr Langley if you don't Mind

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"Sweetheart can you help me with my tie" Ben calls from the bedroom I walk in and he looks frazzled, he's tried it a few times by the look of him. I walk over to him 

"It's like having a third child Benjamin" I joke he wraps his arms around me 

"We soon will Mummy" he says making me giggle 

"There now I can let you out of the house" I tell him 

"Why thank you" he replies.

Riley comes in trying to put his new school jumper on but is having bother, just like his Daddy neither of my boys can get dressed. "Come here soldier" Ben calls to him and he straightens his clothes for him tucking him in where needed. 

"Look Mummy" he says raising his arms so I can see. 

"Wow look at my big boy" I say to him getting all emotional Ben is too I can see 

"Come on lets have breakfast" he says taking Riley off. It soon comes time to leave Ben drives the traffic is a nightmare not helped by the snow,our first drop to take Riley to his new school, then nursery for Ellie then work for Ben.

We get to the school gates and Riley stands close to me gripping onto my hand and putting his other one out for Ben. We walk in and take him to his new classroom he has a peg with his name on it for his bag and coat which he hangs up. "Hello Riley" his teacher says walking up to us, we met her on an open day before the school holidays Mrs Crutchley. She seems friendly, mid forties with shoulder length brown hair and thin glasses the sort who loved her job you could tell. "Have you come to play with us today" 

Riley nodded but refused to walk forward "I want you and Daddy to stay Mummy" Riley says just breaking my heart, he starts to cry a little, his teacher walks over 

"I tell you what Riley how about you come with me and you can paint a lovely picture for Mummy and Daddy for when they pick you up" he looks at her with his sulk but once he's thought about it he realizes its an OK idea and heads off holding her hand 

"Have fun matey" Ben calls to him 

"Bye Bye  Ry Ry" Ellie shouts 

"Bye darling" I say through my tears trying desperately to hold them back not to let him see, he waves at us all and we head out. I get to the gates and cry like the silly girl I am, but my baby just went to school Ben smiles and pulls me with his free arm as he's carrying Ellie 

"Come here" he says kissing me on the top of my head "He will be fine sweetheart" and I know hes right it just doesn't help.

We drop off Ellie who just runs in to play with her friends and I get upset again because she DIDN'T cry "What are you like Lis" Ben says 

"Are you going to cry when I go to work" he jokes. We arrive at the college and I walk him to the reception and I see her behind the desk and have to come away 

"Have a good day Sweetie" I tell him 

"I will try darling take care on the tube OK I still think I should drive you back" he says 

"No you will be late for your first class sweetie" I tell him "I'll be fine" I say 

"Alright but text me when you get home darling yeah" he kisses me full on and I can see her squirming through the glass the bitch. I hate her.

I head back home via the tube, calling at Starbucks for a cheeky sticky bun my breakfast not quite filling me, well baby is hungry. I'm only about five minutes away and my phone vibrates

Missing you already

Love You

Ben xxxxxx

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